bmarcot / vega

vega -- The Unix-like Operating System for micro-controllers (ARM Cortex-M4)
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Build binary (ihex) output file #3

Closed bmarcot closed 8 years ago

bmarcot commented 8 years ago

Real HW needs a binary that can be stored in Flash. Builds an ihex file alongside the elf file. Why IntelHex format? Because most flashing tools understand that format (Segger JLink, etc).

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex kernel.elf kernel.hex

Add a new rule to the Makefile to build such file.

OCPY = $(CROSS)objcopy

%.hex: %.elf
        $(OCPY) -O ihex $< $@
bmarcot commented 8 years ago

Feature added in ad03d71.