bmarrdev / android-DecoView-charting

DecoView: Android arc based animated charting library
Apache License 2.0
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Change position of Label Text to end of progress of each SeriesItem #46

Open liauli opened 5 years ago

liauli commented 5 years ago

Hi, I tried to open the project and tweak the position of the label so it can follow the position of the end of each seriesitem. currently, it will follow the middle position and located in the middle.

I think this code affected the position, but still not sure how I can achieve what I need:

public RectF draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @NonNull RectF rect,
                      float percentAngle, float percentComplete, float positionValue) {
        if (!mVisible) {
            return null;

        float radius = rect.width() / 2;
        float radians = ((360f * percentAngle)-90) * (float) (Math.PI / 180f);

        float xVal = (float) Math.cos(radians) * radius + rect.centerX();
        float yVal = (float) Math.sin(radians) * radius + rect.centerY();

        final float halfWidth = (mTextBounds.width() / 2) + mBufferX;
        final float halfHeight = (mTextBounds.height() / 2) + mBufferY;
        if (0 > xVal - halfWidth) {
            xVal = halfWidth;
        if (canvas.getWidth() < xVal + halfWidth) {
            xVal = canvas.getWidth() - halfWidth;
        if (0 > yVal - halfHeight) {
            yVal = halfHeight;
        if (canvas.getHeight() < yVal + halfHeight) {
            yVal = canvas.getHeight() - halfHeight;

        mTextDraw.set(xVal - halfWidth,
                yVal - halfHeight,
                xVal + halfWidth,
                yVal + halfHeight);

                10f, 10f, mPaintBack);

        yVal -= mTextCenter;
        canvas.drawText(getDisplayString(percentComplete, positionValue), xVal, yVal, mPaintText);

        return mTextDraw;

here's illustration what I want to achieve: image

thank you