bmartin5692 / bumper

A standalone and self-hosted implementation of the central server used by Ecovacs vacuum robots.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Doku enhancement] Trust certificate on android 9 pie #87

Open geniwes opened 4 years ago

geniwes commented 4 years ago

Hello ladies and gentlemen, english is not my mother tongue, I hope you understand it anyway.

With none of the instructions in www, I managed to make the file system writable on Android 9 Pie (Samsung J6), so I'm not able to put certificates to the system store.

The only thing that helped me was patching the Ecovacs Home app. I did it in Kali Linux and I don't know if this works in Windows.

  1. Download Ecovacs Home App to PC. E.g.

  2. If not present get a Java JDK >= 8 (bin/jarsigner is needed; e.g. )

  3. Clone

  4. The script is unusable because there are errors in the file AndroidManifest.xml : Line 19 and line line 26 contains illegal spaces. So I run the commands manually (with the apk in the same dir as apktool.jar).

    mkdir ~/.android
    keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
    java -jar "apktool.jar" d -f -o /tmp/ecohome "com-eco-global-app1572580800.apk"
    cp "network_security_config.xml" /tmp/ecohome/res/xml/.
    # do the next line only once!
    sed -E "s/(<application.*)(>)/\1 android\:networkSecurityConfig=\"@xml\/network_security_config\" \2 /" /tmp/ecohome/AndroidManifest.xml > /tmp/ecohome/
    mv /tmp/ecohome/ /tmp/ecohome/AndroidManifest.xml
    vim /tmp/ecohome/AndroidManifest.xml
    # kill the space in "org.simalliance.openmobileap i.SMARTCARD" (actually two lines 19 and 26)
    java -jar "apktool.jar" empty-framework-dir --force /tmp/ecohome
    java -jar "apktool.jar" b -o ./ecohome.apk /tmp/ecohome
    <pathtoJDK/bin/>jarsigner -verbose -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android ./ecohome.apk androiddebugkey
  5. upload ecohome.apk to smartphone, deinstall the original app, install the patched one manually and be happy.

I have to admit that I haven't tried Bumper yet (still to come). I used this procedure for mitmproxy and that's why I came across this project. But I believe that this procedure could also be necessary for the Bumper-CA.

m8schmit commented 2 years ago

More than a year after, I tried this, because I don't want to root my phone, almost the same command lines, I just added sed -i 's/org.simalliance.openmobileap i.SMARTCARD/org.simalliance.openmobileapi.SMARTCARD/g' "$tmpDir/AndroidManifest.xml" In the script here:

But once installed the application don't work and turns off after being stuck for a few seconds on the main page. :-(

m8schmit commented 2 years ago

Ok it seem to be an error with Alibaba Cloud API: app key or app secret must be initialed

shawly commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that it worked with my DEEBOT 2017 app, though I did the steps manually like described here