bmatthews68 / ldap-maven-plugin

A Maven plugin that runs an embedded LDAP directory server within the Maven build life-cycle and imports/exports data to/from an LDAP directory server.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 18 forks source link

ability to throw LDAP exception #21

Open tcollignon opened 10 years ago

tcollignon commented 10 years ago

This is a pull request to manage LDAP exception differently, to throw execptions if necessary. This allow Maven to exit with BUILD FAILURE, if an LDAP exception is raise.

buildhive commented 10 years ago

Brian Matthews » ldap-maven-plugin #63 FAILURE Looks like there's a problem with this pull request (what's this?)

dagguh commented 8 years ago

Why just the LDAP exceptions? Any exception should fail the build.