bmatzelle / gow

Unix command line utilities installer for Windows.
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.bash_profile is being ignored #242

Open rodrigoestevao opened 6 years ago

rodrigoestevao commented 6 years ago


I have a .bash_profile file located on my %USERPROFILE% dir, it used to be considered when using git-bash, although it is being completely ignored when using bash from gow. Is that any configuration that must be done to take that file in account?

Thank you in advance.

swwright commented 6 years ago

I worked around this by typing "bash --login" to start bash. It seems that bash, in GoW, is not started up as if it is a login shell.

go-t commented 5 years ago

You can create a file Gow\bash.bat which set Gow\home as User home。Then you can put .bash_profile, .vimrc files in Gow\home.

@echo off

:: GOW_HOME whill be mounted to /usr 

set GOW_HOME=%~dp0
set HOME=%GOW_HOME%home
set PATH=%GOW_HOME%home\bin;%GOW_HOME%bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0

start %GOW_HOME%/bin/bash.exe --login %*