bmatzelle / gow

Unix command line utilities installer for Windows.
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Missing cal, cmp, date, echo, ps? #69

Open mjross opened 11 years ago

mjross commented 11 years ago

Thank you for creating Gow, which looks excellent. But it appears to be missing some commands that are common to most Linux and Unix environments: cal, cmp, date, echo, ps. (I'm just now becoming familiar with Gow, so my apologies in advance if these commands are in fact already present, but under different names, or accessed differently.)

bmatzelle commented 11 years ago

Echo and date are on Windows already. There is no 'ps' command for Windows. Use 'tasklist' instead or create a ps.bat file that points to this command. cal and cmp I've not used nor are familiar with.

mjross commented 11 years ago

cal is the Unix calendar command, and cmp compares the contents of files. Both are quite useful.

Windows date /t simply outputs the date in a static format, while Unix date has all sorts of options and formats, as does its echo.

I'm not sure what tasklist you are referring to, because that is not a Windows command (at least in XP), nor does it appear to be in the list of commands in my Gow installation (and I'm using the latest version).

bmatzelle commented 11 years ago

I have tasklist here:

c:\>which tasklist

And the output of the command:


Image Name                   PID Session Name     Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ====== ================ ======== ============
System Idle Process            0 Console                 0         28 K
System                         4 Console                 0      2,288 K
smss.exe                    1716 Console                 0        484 K
avgrsx.exe                  1852 Console                 0      1,652 K
avgcsrvx.exe                1888 Console                 0        256 K
csrss.exe                    212 Console                 0      8,668 K
winlogon.exe                 236 Console                 0      2,984 K
services.exe                 324 Console                 0      5,476 K
lsass.exe                    336 Console                 0      2,160 K
svchost.exe                  644 Console                 0      5,868 K
svchost.exe                  700 Console                 0      5,456 K
bmatzelle commented 11 years ago

I can look into cal. I can't use date unless I rename it to something like gdate so it doesn't break existing Windows commands.

rranslam commented 11 years ago

gdate! The windows date command sucks. and would be extremely useful

rpodgorny commented 10 years ago

+1 here! windows date really sucks!

rpodgorny commented 10 years ago

btw, a workaround with current tools (be sure to add proper quotes and escapes):

awk 'BEGIN { print strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M%S")}'

stevebovy commented 9 years ago

My thanks also !!

But using bash or running a bash script creates problems

Windows commands are not available in the gow version of bash

start a bash shell ( or try to run a bash shell script ) with "date /t"

I think the current versions of Cygwin/msys bash you can invoke windows commands or windows scripts

I have a shell script that uses "date" it do-not work amigos.


stevebovy commented 9 years ago

note: my tic marks were removed

My bash script uses date for logging and email

I have a work around as follows:

starttime=date 2>/dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then x1=cmd.exe "/c date /t" x2=cmd.exe "/c time /t" starttime="$x1 $x2" fi

BUT: I have way too many references to the date to make the above practical

Thus not having "date" is a show stopper

Are there any other ways I can work around this

AzItLies commented 7 years ago

Hey all, thanks so much for gow, it's great, love having it.

I know this is an old thread, but just in case people are still interested. If you can find an old copy of 4NT, it's a command environment that allows for aliasing. So I have 'll' equal to 'ls -latr' and things like that.

As far as Cal is concerned... That would be so great to have. It's one of the big things, albeit not terribly important, but very convenient, I miss from linux.

cal by itself displays the days of the current month and would highlight the current day.

cal 2017 would display all the months of the year with ea day in ea month.

you could even do cal 1886, which would be bizarre, but yes, it would show ea month and their days for that year.

Thanks for humoring me... really, if you can find 4NT, it can help. :)