bmbrands / moodle-theme_elegance

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Multilanguage span tags #160

Open tswilson opened 8 years ago

tswilson commented 8 years ago

Content that isn't in a language string, but is still served by the theme isn't responding to Moodle's multilang span tags. IE: frontpagecontent, slide text, text on quicklink buttons.

I hacked the old version of this theme and used the format_text function to push these through the multilang filter, but I can't seem to figure it out in this iteration.


bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Could you let me know where you are using the multilang spans exactly?

tswilson commented 8 years ago


General Settings - Frontpage Content - theme_elegance | frontpagecontent

Slideshow Settings - Titles, Text, URLS


All the spots where I can add text in the theme settings. I'm in a Canadian Government institution, so they're pretty strict about everything being bilingual.

My prod box is running an old version of this (from before you took over), but in looking to upgrade to Moodle 3, I've run into a problem.


nadavkav commented 8 years ago

We have similar issues in the Israeli academy, where we use this theme.

bmbrands commented 7 years ago

Okay. Will be a new feature on the todo list. Right now I focus on finishing the stable 3.1 version

yaelmoodle commented 6 years ago


We've run into the same problem. Using Moodle 3.5, multilang content in Frontpage Content It worked in Moodle 3.1
