bmbrands / moodle-theme_elegance

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Pull down menu not aviable #162

Closed mentingm closed 8 years ago

mentingm commented 8 years ago

The problem is that the Pull Down menu on the right Top is not aviable. When i click on the pull down menu (my Name) then nothing happend. What can be the problem. It accured at Firefox and IE. image

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Could you post a screenshot of the JavaScript console instead. It should look something like this:

screen shot 2016-05-20 at 10 29 35

mentingm commented 8 years ago

image I get an error on the theme bootstrap. I installed it again but the error remains.

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Okay. What version of the bootstrap theme are you using?

mentingm commented 8 years ago

I installed Bootstrap_moodle30_2016042200

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

That is the correct version.

Can you check if the file /theme/bootstrap/amd/src/bootstrap.js is present and starts with:

/* jshint ignore:start */
define(['jquery', 'core/log'], function($, log) {
mentingm commented 8 years ago

Yes, the file en the Program line is present.

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Can you switch to the bootstrap theme ? Is it fully functional?

mentingm commented 8 years ago

I switched to the normal bootstrap and this isn'fully functional. I have the same issue. :(

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Have you installed any other plugin in your install?

mentingm commented 8 years ago

Thanx for you reply! I found the issue. I removed another Theme plugin that i installed and not using. I even installed Bootstrap again and problem solved.

bmbrands commented 8 years ago

Okay, I am glad it is solved! Closing the issue.