bmbrands / moodle-theme_elegance

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User avatar (top right) showing too big on forum view (Moodle 3.1.1) #172

Open lcassisi opened 7 years ago

lcassisi commented 7 years ago
captura de pantalla 2016-09-03 a las 21 52 13

As you can see user avatar shows bigger than normal. This happens only on forum view. In other pages it looks good.
In all pages user name shows with the links color, when should show in white color (inverted navbar).

lcassisi commented 7 years ago

Fixed this issue by adding this css rules in theme_elegance | customcss, but I think there's a problem with html code:

a#action-menu-toggle-0.toggle-display.textmenu { display: inline-block; } .usermenu .menubar a img.userpicture { width: 36px; height: 36px }

brzozi commented 7 years ago

Moodle 3.2 The same problem