bmbrands / moodle-theme_elegance

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switch to bootstrap slider #24

Open thedannywahl opened 10 years ago

thedannywahl commented 10 years ago

unslider has some issues - we need to switch to the bootstrap slider. See

richardschwarz commented 9 years ago

rewrote (badly) the slider renderer to use the bootstrap 3 carousel, but keep all the slider settings the same. Not sure how to attach to this (really, really, need to learn github), so refer to:

Hope that helps just a little.

richardschwarz commented 9 years ago

Also looking at rewriting Gareth's slider from Essential to Bootstrap 3 (just need the time to do it).

vistilarsen commented 9 years ago

Really hoping this will make its way into the commit. Been breaking my head on Richards guide but not getting anywhere.

richardschwarz commented 9 years ago

In the meantime, go to theme/elegance/layout/includes/and replace slideshow. php with the one in my earlier comment. That'll start working straight away with the bootstrap 3 carousel

richardschwarz commented 9 years ago

Currently working on updating elegance to match 2.8, with bootstrap carousel and better optimisation, as well as fixing the footer issue. After that, I may have time to look at 2.9/3