bmbrands / theme_bootstrap

A Moodle theme based on the Bootstrap CSS framework
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Possible bug in render_custom_menu_item #455

Open juaneladio opened 6 years ago

juaneladio commented 6 years ago

When I was reviewing a bug in a Moodle installation with the Theme Elegance (that uses Theme Bootstrap), I noticed that a menu item was generated incorrectly.

Long story short: The text "Hola" appears as a class atribute.

<ul class="dropdown-menu "><li><a class="Hola" title="Hola" href="/moodle/message/index.php?user1=76&amp;user2=2"><img src="/moodle/theme/image.php/elegance/core/1501546512/u/f2" alt="Picture of User" title="Picture of User" class="userpicture defaultuserpic" width="35" height="35" /><span class="msg-body"><span class="msg-title"><span class="msg-sender">Admin: </span>Hola</span><span class="msg-time"><i class="icon-time"></i><span>11 mins 42 secs</span></span></a></ul>

Now imagine that the text "Hola" changes to a larger text ...

I think the bug is created by this line of code in Theme Bootstrap:

And class should be empty at this point, because nothing guarantees that $menunode->get_title() will always be a CSS class.

$class = '';
