bmbrands / theme_bootstrap

A Moodle theme based on the Bootstrap CSS framework
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Fatal error: Access level to theme_bootstrap_core_files_renderer:: #459

Closed arnold79 closed 6 years ago

arnold79 commented 6 years ago

I was successfully upgraded from 2.8 to 3.3. But later i found an error on some link that says :"Fatal error: Access level to theme_bootstrap_core_files_renderer::fm_print_generallayout() must be protected (as in class core_files_renderer) or weaker in /xxx/xxx/xxx/moodle/theme/bootstrap/renderers/files_renderer.php on line 29" Is there any solution? Tks

bmbrands commented 6 years ago

That's weird? That renderer should no longer be used. What version of bootstrap are you using?

arnold79 commented 6 years ago

Version 2014120803 Where should i download the update? And how to update it. Tks a lot.

bmbrands commented 6 years ago

You can download a zip file from the master branch here on github. That should do it

arnold79 commented 6 years ago

It works now. Tks