bmccluskey / robovac

Add a Eufy RoboVac easily to Home Assistant
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Some issues Hybrid G10 #21

Closed MelleD closed 1 year ago

MelleD commented 1 year ago

Basically, the integration works for the G10 Hybrid. Thanks for that and kudos.

I have some small problems, maybe it's just not supported by the vacuum cleaner:

Cleaning time and area are not displayed in the UI. Is this supported at all, should I see the attributes in my device?

To the functions:

  1. Cleaning does not work on the main page. The vacuum robot does not start. The button on the left side. However, Start/Pause works in modal dialog. Are these different functions?

  2. When you click Start in the modal dialog. And the main page changes. Then stop (function not available) and pause (nothing happens) don't work either. However, on the modal dialog, the pause works.

  3. In the extended functions, it do not work "do not disturb", nothing happens.

What is the difference between auto clean and cleaning?

My attributes

Standard ip_address: xxx 
model_code: T2150 
battery_level: 100 
battery_icon: mdi:battery-charging-100 
fan_speed: Standard status: 
charging mode: Nosweep 
friendly_name: RoboVac 
supported_features: 4084

Thanks for your support

MelleD commented 1 year ago

See here: