bmcgaughey1 / USGSlidar

A collection of functions to browse lidar data collections, query collections for coverage for specific locations, and retrieve data covering locations.
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Modify buildPDALPipelineENTWINE() to include an outputCRS parameter #12

Open bmcgaughey1 opened 2 years ago

bmcgaughey1 commented 2 years ago

I added a PDAL template that reprojects the incoming point data to web mercator (EPSG:3857) but you have to explicitly provide the template file when calling buildPDALPipelineENTWINE().

I want to add a parameter, outCRS, to the function and have a NULL default value. Then add code that will switch to the new template if outCRS has a value and change the out_srs parameter with tag "reproject" in the template to reflect the EPSG code provided in outCRS.

Of course, all of this assumes that the Entwine data have a correctly specified CRS in the first place.