bmcgonag / Vector

Wireguard Server-side Web-based User Interface
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Installing within a docker container #17

Open Matt-CyberGuy opened 4 years ago

Matt-CyberGuy commented 4 years ago

Loving what you've done here. I know you have an eventual goal of dockerizing this, I decided to try to kind of do it myself with a linuxserver/wireguard container. I'm really hoping to get this working in a very specific way. I've created a wireguard VPN server within a docker container on digital ocean, and while logged into the container, I've installed this with the After it finished, I used netstat to confirm the nginx service is listening on port 80 of the container, but when I try to view the service from the outside nothing comes up. I just get 502 bad gateway. Any ideas?

shankscoder commented 4 years ago

When you launched the container what ports did you expose? Check your port exposure rules to ensure they're available on the host.

bmcgonag commented 4 years ago

@matt-cylanda that's awesome that you have so much working on docker. I have actually made a docker container for a different project successfully before, but did it so long ago I forgot what I did. I believe, however, I took my build version, and basically had the container do an npm install, then start the node process. I didn't run meteor from the container. Maybe that's what you're doing too. The issue I've seen is I'm not sure how you got Wireguard working from a container. I'm happy to take a pull request if you want to throw one out there with your dockerfile or docker-compose.yml in the root directory, and then see if we can get it all working. The nginx piece, maybe should be run in it's own container, and maybe that's what you're doing. I do a lot in my scrpit that wouldn't specifically be necessary in docker, presuming you're using wireguard from another image.

@shankscoder Good question as well. Making sure you've exposed the right ports is important. You'll want to expose 80 and 443 if using LetsEncrypt, and you may have to map those to other ports if you're already using those on the server elsewhere.