bmegli / ev3dev-mapping-abandoned

The completely abandoned unsupported and unlicensed test code
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Doubt with Cruizcore reading #1

Open jabrena opened 7 years ago

jabrena commented 7 years ago

Hi mate,

What is the purpose of this function:

int16_t ReadGyroAngle(int gyro_direct_fd)
    int16_t val;
    if(lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1)
        Die("lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1");

    if(read(gyro_direct_fd, (char*)(&val), 2)!=2)
        Die("gyro_direct fd\n");

    return val;

In the block, you read the register for Accumulated Angle LSB, but what is the purpose of that lines:

    if(lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1)
        Die("lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1");

    if(read(gyro_direct_fd, (char*)(&val), 2)!=2)
        Die("gyro_direct fd\n");


bmegli commented 7 years ago

Hi @jabrena,

if(lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1) make the next read (or write) starting from 0x42 (the register of CruizCore Accumalated Angle LSB).

Die("lseek(gyro_direct_fd, 0x42, SEEK_SET)==-1"); If anything goes wrong kill the program explaining why (AFAIR my Die also interpreted errno)

if(read(gyro_direct_fd, (char*)(&val), 2)!=2) read 2 bytes to the memory location pointed by the addresss of val. This happens to be both LSB (0x42) and MSB (0x43).

Die("gyro_direct fd\n"); if anything goes wrong kill the program explaining why.

read is a C function that just reads a block of memory to the location pointed by some pointer. The location here is &val which is address of val.

The cast to (char*) is not needed here. read expects pointer to void* and every pointer can be cast implicitly to void*. I suppose I did the cast out of habbit (with meaning - interpret as block of memory of bytes).

If you are interested you should probably be reading the code in ev3dev-mapping-modules which was written with more consideration than here. Here the intention was proof-of-concept (code as quickly as possible to get the result).

jabrena commented 7 years ago

Hi @bmegli, do you know what is the meaning of LSB & MSB? Once you have both values, do you do some calculus with them?


bmegli commented 7 years ago

do you know what is the meaning of LSB & MSB

LSB - Least Significant Byte MSB - Most Significant Byte

Once you have both values, do you do some calculus with them?

Apart from loading them in the correct order for Little Endian machine, into U2 signed short integer interpreted memory block, no.

I am quite happy to answer any questions but...

... this code was written before @dlech pointed out that you can achieve the same result by changing the mode of the sensor in ev3dev/ev3dev/issues/445:

When initiating a message using the direct attribute, we are not in an interrupt context, so we can initiate the I2C message directly without queuing it, which is why it appears to work faster. The same effect can be achieved by setting the mode.

So you can just change the mode of the sensor to ANGLE and use the value0 which does practically the same as above mentioned code does (that is - blocking read on demand).

Not to have misunderstanding here the equivalent of the above code is:

Like I said this is not the code you should be learning from, unless you want to have it the hard way (for some reason).

jabrena commented 7 years ago

Hi @bmegli,

I will put in context. I am trying to solve a problem with the sensor in EV3G:

so, I am not using the ev3dev platform and this is the situation. With the visual environment, it is not possible to reset the sensor block for a second turn and now I am learning to do a reverse engineering of the block to get the accumulative gyro rate and reset when I need.

So, you are reading the registers:

LSB - Least Significant Byte, 0x42 MSB - Most Significant Byte, 0x43

Reading the docs, maybe I found the key point:

The inertial sensors in the CruizCore XG1300L are factory calibrated and the measurements provided in the form of signed short integers (16 bits or two bytes).

I am trying to learn how to read 2 bytes about the register 0x42, 0x43 and later calculate this calculus from docs:

ANGLE = (MSB_256 + LSB) / 100 [degrees](0x42, 0x43) RATE = (MSB_256 + LSB) / 100 [degrees/second](0x44, 0x45)

Many thanks for the notes.


jabrena commented 7 years ago

Hi @bmegli if you prefer, we could continue the issue in your latest repo if you prefer. :)


bmegli commented 7 years ago


So, you are reading the registers: LSB - Least Significant Byte, 0x42 MSB - Most Significant Byte, 0x43

LSB/MSB - I mean Least/Most Significant Byte (not bit)

A 2 byte integer will have 2 bytes MSB and LSB

ANGLE = (MSB * 256 + LSB) / 100 degrees

MSB * 256 is MSB * 2^8 which is MSB shifted 8 bits left

If you add LSB to MSB shifted by 8 bits left you get 2 byte integer value regardless of your architecture (little endian/big endian, that is regardless of order in which your machine stores bytes of multibyte numbers).

This is just like splitting ordinary (not binary) number up to 999 999 into two parts with 3 digits. To recover the value you would multiply the MSB value by 1000 (10^3) and add LSB value, so for example for 999 888 it would be 999 888=999*1000 + 888.

In binary it's the same, you just multiply by 2 to some power instead of 10 to some power (2^8=256 shifts by one byte left).

With CruizCore it is U2 encoding (Two's complement) so unless you store the calculation result in 16 bit (2 byte) signed integer which is also U2 encoded be carefull with the sign.


ANGLE = (MSB * 256 + LSB) / 100 degrees

this is equivalent to what I am doing by just reading data to correct memory area.

Divided by 100 becuase this is precission with which CruizCore gives data (eg. 18000 for 180 degrees).

So yes, if you have means to read the 2 bytes with I2C from EV3G you can get the accumated angle with this calculus.

bmegli commented 7 years ago

if you prefer, we could continue the issue in your latest repo if you prefer

Not really, it all is somewhat off topic so this forgotten and abandonded repository is even better

jabrena commented 7 years ago
