bmellink / GeigerCounter

Arduino ESP32 based Geiger counter
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

Hi, Your project is awesome! Did it recently by Your manual. Thanks #2

Open eugeniykh opened 2 years ago

eugeniykh commented 2 years ago


Few days later I will make a pull request or Replica of Your Code, due to changes about specificy with showing CPM (I think it is needed to be shown), and Your Code is more for SBM-20 than for J305/M4011.

I've analyzed these sources (sorry its in Russian).

Коэффициент Conversion Factor для перевода CPM в мкЗв/ч (uSv/h) (для счётчика СБМ20 — коэффциент равен 0.0057, а для счётчиков J305/M4011, по информации из сети — 0.0081)

in Your Code You are using COEF 0.0057, but the Code in Requested Source is more valuable for J305/M4011. Also I can't calibrate the Geiger DIY. But after some fixes in my code I've only getting more trusted data of Geiger Radioactivity. It is sent to my server via WIFI module ESP8266 (

Here is my Code which is communicating (for now) only with WIFI.

Also I will modificate Your Code with some these Changes. Or if You can change it by Yourself - it will be The Best.

Thanks You for Your Manual. It is Awesome, Dude!

eugeniykh commented 2 years ago