bmewburn / vscode-intelephense

PHP intellisense for Visual Studio Code
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Add config settings to exclude files/directories from features #273

Open mboynes opened 5 years ago

mboynes commented 5 years ago

As a developer building with a framework like WordPress, Drupal, etc., I want to differentiate between my own source files and the framework's files, so that I can use some Intelephense features like code completion, without the distraction of diagnostics running on those files.

As an example, working on a WordPress theme or plugin, say I call register_post_type() and I navigate to that function's definition. Intelephense then runs diagnostics on that file. if I files.exclude the core WordPress files, I lose the (extremely helpful) code completion suggestions for everything defined in those files. It would be helpful to be able to flag files as being a read-only resource for the codebase, so Intelephense can skip some irrelevant operations.

bmewburn commented 4 years ago

Would a single read only setting be sufficient that excludes those files from all features (references, rename, diagnostics) other than definitions (for go to and completion support)? Or is there a need to have finer control over this and opt in and out of certain features?

bmewburn commented 4 years ago

There's now an option for to exclude references in 1.4.

srichter commented 3 years ago

Thanks for adding this option for references. Are there plans to add it for definition/implementation to allow IDE helper-like files to be used for diagnostics/autocomplete but not appear in the definition/implementation list? I would be okay with a single "exclude from appearing in file lists" setting that just filters files out of the options returned to the editor.