bmewburn / vscode-intelephense

PHP intellisense for Visual Studio Code
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Expected type 'string|Stringable'. Found 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder'. #2842

Closed nicolasvahidzein closed 3 months ago

nicolasvahidzein commented 3 months ago

This code works great but getting this error somehow.

Expected type 'string|Stringable'. Found 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder'.

        //retrieve the orders that are still processing
        $ordersProcessing = Orders::query()
        ->where('order_status', '=', 'processing')->get();

        //get the current timestamp in UTC
        $ahora = Carbon::now();

        //inspect every order that is processing to see what is going on
        foreach ($ordersProcessing as $key => $order) {
            Log::channel('merlin_debug')->info($order);<<<<<<here shows up here

bmewburn commented 3 months ago

The problem is the laravel phpdoc. query is annotated to return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder so any association the builder has with Order is lost. Using helps somewhat as it can generate a query phpdoc method on models, but even then the types it provides are inaccurate.

Another workaround is to correct the type of $ordersProcessing with an annotation.

/** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection<int, \App\Models\Order> $ordersProcessing */
$ordersProcessing = ...