Opening this issue to add in my notes from the second week of notes.
I plan to push regularly but only request a merge once a week, at the end of the week @nelsonic.
Lectures are Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday.
@nelsonic I decided to add just the second week in this PR because I still have to format week 1 and didn't want to do it in the same commit as adding notes. Could you please review and merge?
I am taking an AMI Montessori Institute Prague 3-6 Orientation course.
Opening this issue to add in my notes from the second week of notes.
I plan to push regularly but only request a merge once a week, at the end of the week @nelsonic.
Lectures are Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday.
@nelsonic I decided to add just the second week in this PR because I still have to format week 1 and didn't want to do it in the same commit as adding notes. Could you please review and merge?