bminer / node-blade

Blade - HTML Template Compiler, inspired by Jade & Haml
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Fixed error when working with prototypes #207

Closed sokraflex closed 8 years ago

sokraflex commented 8 years ago

Upon rendering any template, as long as it contains an element that has attributes, blade throws the error: "Unable to read property text of undefined" It turned out, that, when working with prototypes, blade appends an attribute called '' with the value undefined to the attribute list. Using the above fix, such attributes get removed from the attribute list before getting compiled, and the error does not occur.

This is only a workaround. I looked into the "lib/parser/index.js"-file, but couldn't find the line where the attributes are generated.

bminer commented 8 years ago

@SargTeX - Hmm... can you post an excerpt of your Blade template that produced an error? I'd like to reproduce this.

sokraflex commented 8 years ago

It was reproducable on any template that has an html element with an attribute list, even if the attribute list is empty, like in the following one:


You receive that result, if you add a method to the Array prototype:

Array.prototype.contains = function(element) {
    return this.indexOf(element) >= 0;

Another option to exclude such elements (rather than deleting them) would be detecting them via hasOwnProperty:

if (!attributes.hasOwnProperty(name)) // prototype-functions return false
upon hasOwnProperty-call


bminer commented 8 years ago

Ah, indeed. This is probably because Blade is using for(var i in attributes) somewhere and picking up the added property. I'll look into it because it's probably a bug.

What happens if you override the Array prototype using Object.defineProperty with enumerable set to false?

bminer commented 8 years ago

@SargTeX - This isn't really a bug as I originally thought, so I am closing this issue. When you override the Array prototype, you are asking for trouble, since almost all for(var i in arrayInstance) blocks break. This is because methods added to the Array prototype are now enumerable.

Consider this code:

Array.prototype.contains = function(element) {
    return this.indexOf(element) >= 0;
var arrayInstance = [1, 2, 3];
for(var i in arrayInstance) {

Here's what would be printed:


Notice that contains was also printed to the console, which is probably not what you want. So, Instead of doing things like:

Array.prototype.contains = function(element) {
    return this.indexOf(element) >= 0;

... Do this instead:

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "contains", {enumerable: false, value: function(element) {
    return this.indexOf(element) >= 0;

A side note... to be fair, the "best" way IMHO to loop through an Array is to use the for(var i = 0; i < arrayInstance.length; i++) construct, but... some parts of the Blade codebase don't follow this "convention."