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Create CEDAR Template for Study Metadata #59

Open matthewhorridge opened 5 months ago

matthewhorridge commented 5 months ago

Once metadata fields for studies have been finalized a CEDAR template needs to be created that describes these fields. This is dependent on work being conducted by BAH to do with study metadata collection, curation etc.

See this note from Alyssa:

we have been working on checking study metadata using dbGaP, NIH RePORTER, and the DCC tracker. we are wrapping up the proposed Acknowledgements with the grant numbers, and study start/end dates from NIH RePORTER since that seems to be the source of truth Lucy/Sue are using. Anya and team are working on additional study metadata and cleaning up existing metadata. i do not think we have looked at study descriptions yet, but i think that is a bigger discussion with Lucy since what is in NIH RePORTER is sometimes at the DCC/organization level and not at the study level. so it would not make sense to use those descriptions

See this email sent to Lucy:

Here are responses to the main three points in your email about study metadata

1. Standardized Schema on RADx Study Descriptions:

- Currently, there is no standardized schema for RADx study descriptions but such a schema will come out of the work that we are doing.
- Work is underway, with BAH actively collecting and curating study metadata.
- The goal is to use this to finalize a set of metadata fields and to then create a CEDAR template to essentially standardize study metadata.

2. Validation of Metadata:

- The validation of metadata is currently a work in progress.
- BAH is actively involved in this process, checking study metadata using various sources such as dbGaP, NIH RePORTER, and the DCC tracker to do this.

3. Extraction and Mapping of Grant Application Information:

- There is an ongoing investigation into pulling "abstract" and "study aims" from NIH Reporter.
- The aim is to map this information with study descriptions based on the Principal Investigator's submitted certification.
- Since your original email, discussions on this matter took place in the RADx-rad meeting last week, which you also attended.