bmlt-enabled / bmlt-wordpress-satellite-plugin

WordPress Plugin Project for the BMLT Satellite
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Map Search for Specific Formats and An Automatically Selected Radius #10

Open tempsaint opened 5 years ago

tempsaint commented 5 years ago

I think that a map search automatically opens to view the entire radius that's covered by geocodes in the root server the satellite searches (?) When only choosing More Options, choosing a format code and pressing Go, the search defaults to "An Automatically Selected Radius." There's no way to know what that radius is (it's definitely not the entire visible map) and there may be 0 meetings in the results if meetings with the specified format codes exists but are outside of the automatically selected radius.

I think it would be great if, nothing else is selected except either a day, or a format code, or a service body, the search includes the entire visible map or the entire root server.

For example - if you go to the visible map is the entire northeastern United States (which includes the 5 NA regions in New York State). The marker is somewhere around Syracuse. If you only go to More Options and select a Format Code of CH (closed holidays, this is how this was discovered) and then click Go you get "No Meetings Found in This Search." I think that's misleading as the entirety of New York State is visible on the map, leading one to believe that there's no meetings in locations that are typically closed holidays in New York.

I tested another one... I went to (I'm sure this works on New York's search also but...) and selected only Boston Area from the service bodies list. Because the marker is centered in Worcester, and the Automatically Selected Radius is probably less than 50 miles, no meetings were found, leading a user to believe there's no meetings in Boston Area.

I'm trying to think as a non-technical user might. If I just went to the a site and tried to find all meetings in a given location but didn't know to move the marker, or change the search radius, I might be lead to believe meetings don't exist meeting the search criteria I did specify but because I left the search radius as the default I got no results.