bmlt-enabled / bmlt-wordpress-satellite-plugin

WordPress Plugin Project for the BMLT Satellite
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Feature Request: filter by service body/meeting format #12

Open EzraKuhr opened 5 years ago

EzraKuhr commented 5 years ago

I would like to see the satellite plugin be able to filter all views by service body or meeting formats.

dgershman commented 5 years ago

This is already possible with shortcodes. Were you looking for something more specific?

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

I don't believe that is true for basic bmlt shortcode that displays map [[bmlt]] and although he didn't specify, I believe that is what he is requesting.

dgershman commented 5 years ago

I have tried before to exclude certain formats and it worked.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 7:37 AM pjaudiomv wrote:

I don't believe that is true for basic bmlt shortcode that displays map [[bmlt]] and although he didn't specify, that is what he is requesting.

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pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

awesome!! can you provide an example of short code usage.

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

this page states that the only parameter allowed for BMLT, BMLT_MAP, BMLT_MOBILE and SIMPLE_SEARCH_LIST is the settings ID

All keys can have parameters. These are supplied immediately after the key, in parentheses (). In the case of the BMLT, BMLT_MAP, BMLT_MOBILE and SIMPLE_SEARCH_LIST, the only parameter allowed is the settings ID for the setting that will be used by that key. In the case of the BMLT_SIMPLE code, you would place the “simple” API parameters (Described in this page). You can also add the settings ID, by separating them with “##-##“.

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

If using the Advanced Map Initial Search Type, you can specify to only search within a certain service body or format. but the request here is to not have those come up at all as available option.

EzraKuhr commented 5 years ago

Thank you Patrick for articulating my request and the research for it.

dgershman commented 5 years ago

Is someone working this request? If not I can take a stab at it.

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

No, I took a brief look at it and got sidetracked. go for it!

dgershman commented 5 years ago

Self assigning it.

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

this would most likely need to be done in the bmlt-satellite-base-class

dgershman commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

dgershman commented 4 years ago

I would be great to do this as a custom query.