bmlt-enabled / bmlt-wordpress-satellite-plugin

WordPress Plugin Project for the BMLT Satellite
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Have travis deploy to wordpress SVN #16

Closed pjaudiomv closed 4 years ago

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

I don't know how good of an idea this is or what people think but we could probably have travis deploy this to the wordpres svn for us.

pjaudiomv commented 5 years ago

I see maybe adding a zip stage and deploy to bucket, then deploy stage would build release for github. then checkout svn mv whats in trunk to tmp dir, dump the build into trunk and unzip. then create new tag in tags folder and dumping in there as well. then rm tmp directory if all gos well. or something along those lines

dgershman commented 4 years ago

That line of thinking... what makes this plugin more or less complex than the others in terms of deployment to svn?

pjaudiomv commented 4 years ago

Yea I can't remember, I see no reason why we couldn't. I feel like I didn't because I was t a big contributor or owner of repo

pjaudiomv commented 4 years ago

looks like I already did this on Jan 9th and Jan 14th I tagged a new release and auto deployed to wordpress

dgershman commented 4 years ago


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 6:07 PM pjaudiomv wrote:

Closed #16 .

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