bmmalone / automl-utils

Utilities for AutoML in python. This mostly contains wrappers for working with auto-sklearn and related projects, including the algorithm selection framework provided by the ASlib project.
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Allow asl_wrapper to overwrite `_get_pipeline` methods #3

Closed bmmalone closed 7 years ago

bmmalone commented 7 years ago

Initial testing suggests that the autosklearn.pipeline.regression.SimpleRegressionPipeline._get_pipeline (and for SimpleClasssificationPipeline) can be effectively monkey patched.

To use the various fancyimpute imputers in asl, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate classes end up being used in _get_pipeline. So the asl_wrapper class should handle this functionality.

bmmalone commented 7 years ago

This is implemented by passing a custom_pipeline argument to the AutoSklearnWrapper constructor.