bmoers / sn-cicd-example-v3

Example implementation of V3
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issue related to slack #7

Closed tanaybasak closed 5 years ago

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

[19:00:21.580] [LOG] [21292] [/worker#p3KpAwKZO0cgPVPBAAAB] build-project : cleaning up project [19:00:21.599] [LOG] [21292] deleting C:\temp\repos\accdab5f-bbfb-419a-869f-6c5b1ca9f72c\node_modules [19:00:22.008] [LOG] [5504] Slack not active. Message: {"mrkdwn":true,"link_names":true,"parse":"none","attachments":[{"mrkdwn_in":["pretext","text","title","fields","fallback"],"fallback":"Build for https://localhost:8443/goto/run/CkZ26mocOh5OHKsj|CICDIntegrationB3 did not pass!","color":"#990016","text":"Build for https://localhost:8443/goto/run/CkZ26mocOh5OHKsj|CICDIntegrationB3 did not pass!","author_icon":null}],"username":"","icon_url":"","icon_emoji":""} [19:00:22.053] [LOG] [27024] /worker#OI3n4tjh-nBXBHEzAAAC is done (/worker/done) with job: efea6fcf-5203-4077-b2b0-80cc18d22de3 Type: exe [19:00:35.662] [LOG] [27024] /worker#p3KpAwKZO0cgPVPBAAAB is done (/worker/done) with job: ef7eaeb4-7c3b-4879-9fb9-7d99f7cfff1a Type: exe [19:00:35.691] [LOG] [27024] /worker#PVnGN9iMei_Fmi0CAAAA is done (/worker/done) with job: a6b3bf47-370c-4e8c-baba-7c652316a155 Type: undefined

Hi boris, I am facing this issue related to slack not active, Could you please suggest how to resolve this issue Thanks Tanoy

bmoers commented 5 years ago

Hi Tanoy

This is just a notification that no slack message was sent out as no slack webhook is configured. If you're using slack, change the following settings in the .env file

# toggle slack integration CICD_SLACK_ENABLED=true # webhook url CICD_SLACK_WEBHOOK=

Webhooks can be created like resp.

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your response boris. I just wanted to know that my application has been pushed into GIT and when i accept the merge request it stops here

19:00:22.053] [LOG] [27024] /worker#OI3n4tjh-nBXBHEzAAAC is done (/worker/done) with job: efea6fcf-5203-4077-b2b0-80cc18d22de3 Type: exe [19:00:35.662] [LOG] [27024] /worker#p3KpAwKZO0cgPVPBAAAB is done (/worker/done) with job: ef7eaeb4-7c3b-4879-9fb9-7d99f7cfff1a Type: exe [19:00:35.691] [LOG] [27024] /worker#PVnGN9iMei_Fmi0CAAAA is done (/worker/done) with job: a6b3bf47-370c-4e8c-baba-7c652316a155 Type: undefined

Can you please guide me what can I actually do after this ?

Thankyou :)

bmoers commented 5 years ago

It stops after the pull request merge if there is no target environment specified. You can do that with a mapping param in the .env file

# deployment target definition

the pattern is if you want to deploy from to the param is

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the response boris :)

My env file details are as follows

---- Deployment Environment Mapping ----

use below settings to hard-link a source environment to a target environment

if enabled, the 'target' information in the 'run' request from ServiceNow is not required.


set this to 'true' to only deploy according to the below target definition


default deployment target (can be dangerous if you have multiple purpose instances. eg. IT and Finance)

deployment target definition

and i am still facing the same issue --- Execute ATF: Execution Issue √ >>>>> Passing for now, but no test cases specified!

Test-Suite Result: "TES0001085" √ Test-Suite Overall Result

Test-Suite Result: "TES0001086" √ Test-Suite Overall Result Test Result: "Simple UI Test" √ 1 : 2019-08-22 04:08:32 - Impersonate √ 2 : 2019-08-22 04:08:34 - Open a New Form √ 3 : 2019-08-22 04:08:42 - Set Field Values √ 4 : 2019-08-22 04:08:46 - Field Values Validation √ 5 : 2019-08-22 04:08:50 - Field State Validation √ 6 : 2019-08-22 04:08:53 - Submit a Form Test Result: "Open an Existing Record" √ 1 : 2019-08-22 04:09:05 - Impersonate √ 2 : 2019-08-22 04:09:08 - Open an Existing Record √ 3 : 2019-08-22 04:09:21 - Field Values Validation

Test-Suite Result: "TES0001087" √ Test-Suite Overall Result

Test-Suite Result: "TES0001088" √ Test-Suite Overall Result Test Result: "UI Test With Impersonation" √ 1 : 2019-08-22 04:10:29 - Impersonate √ 2 : 2019-08-22 04:10:32 - Open a New Form √ 3 : 2019-08-22 04:10:41 - Set Field Values √ 4 : 2019-08-22 04:10:45 - Field State Validation √ 5 : 2019-08-22 04:10:48 - Field Values Validation √ 6 : 2019-08-22 04:10:52 - Submit a Form

Test-Suite Result: "TES0001090" 1) Test-Suite Overall Result

20 passing (20ms) 1 failing

1) Test-Suite Result: "TES0001090" Test-Suite Overall Result:

  AssertionError: expected 'failure' to equal 'success'
  + expected - actual


  at Context.<anonymous> (test\atf-wrapper.js:149:59)

' ZIP: test adding folder C:\Users\tbasak\AppData\Local\Temp\0f039002-6968-4808-999b-e90ead1a1e05\test [09:43:12] Starting 'build'...

Starting Task 'build'

ZIP: test 363670 total bytes ZIP: test archiver has been finalized and the output file descriptor has closed. Build Done: Thanks for submitting [09:43:12] Finished 'build' after 316 ms

Task Ended 'build'

No config found for task 'build' Upload Results test Upload successful! Server responded with: File uploaded! Remove file 'C:\Users\tbasak\AppData\Local\Temp\0f039002-6968-4808-999b-e90ead1a1e05\' Remove file 'C:\Users\tbasak\AppData\Local\Temp\0f039002-6968-4808-999b-e90ead1a1e05\test'

[09:43:13.172] [LOG] [25184] [/worker#4lnecXusFX9f_tptAAAD] build-project : cleaning up project [09:43:13.177] [LOG] [25184] deleting C:\Users\tbasak\AppData\Local\Temp\git-root\2d59914d-04d1-4665-b034-45040290d4ad\node_modules [09:43:13.777] [LOG] [16340] Slack not active. Message: {"mrkdwn":true,"link_names":true,"parse":"none","attachments":[{"mrkdwn_in":["pretext","text","title","fields","fallback"],"fallback":"Build for <https://localhost:8443/goto/run/YgY1Jwyk8KKKd2pT|MY update set new 4> did not pass!","color":"#990016","text":"Build for <https://localhost:8443/goto/run/YgY1Jwyk8KKKd2pT|MY update set new 4> did not pass!","author_icon":null}],"username":"","icon_url":"","icon_emoji":""} [09:43:13.800] [LOG] [16856] /worker#pO6GXgiDeI58dGg7AAAC is done (/worker/done) with job: 5e1b6330-ed26-41ae-ba3c-30aaf8317fff Type: exe [09:43:26.693] [LOG] [16856] /worker#4lnecXusFX9f_tptAAAD is done (/worker/done) with job: bc9ea5f2-6473-4a4d-a5f3-fa4d9628c72b Type: exe [09:43:26.728] [LOG] [16856] /worker#uurEH69yNuskyJ5aAAAA is done (/worker/done) with job: 337a76fb-3f62-4fce-95b6-177e26ad1d80 Type: undefined

Can you please guide me where i am wrong in this or if I need to do anything in the target environment.. Thanks :)

bmoers commented 5 years ago

Hi Tanoy The process stops if there are ATF test which did not pass. Open the corresponding build run in the CICD server https://localhost:8443/goto/run/YgY1Jwyk8KKKd2pT|MY and open the test results. There are links to the ATF tests in ServiceNow.

Once all tests pass, and the pull request is accepted the update set will be deployed.

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Hi Boris,

My test cases are running successfully now but still the CICD is not getting triggered after i accept the merge request. ... The application status is still set to "code_review_pending" in the instance can you please advise

Thanks Tanoy

bmoers commented 5 years ago

Hi Tanoy Do you have a running and configured MID server on your machine? The pull request merge event is sent through ServiceNow > mid server > to CICD server. You can check the message inbound in the logs in ServiceNow.

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Hi boris,

I am recieving the pull request in GIT but after i accept it. It is not proceeding

bmoers commented 5 years ago

Github sends an 'merge' event (pull request accepted) through ServiceNow (the environment configured in the param CICD_WEBHOOK_PROXY_SERVER), this ServiceNow environment acts like a proxy and forwards the request to the CICD server.

please make sure that CICD_WEBHOOK_PROXY_SERVER is pointing to your ServiceNow environment. (pattern is ${process.env.CICD_WEBHOOK_PROXY_SERVER}

There is also an option to go to the webhook logs in GitHub and check for errors.

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
##                                                            ##
##                USE THIS FILE ON THE SERVER                 ##
##                                                            ##
##                ! rename this file to .env !                ##
##                                                            ##
##     - this file contains all environment variables which   ##
##       are required for the CICD server to run.             ##
##     - variable names must be in uppercase.                 ##
##                                                            ##
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Prerequisites:
#  - local GIT client is installed and configured
#  - GIT user is configured correctly to connect via SSH (

#  GitHub example integration related variables
#   -   used to raise pull requests in GitHub (not for GIT repo integration which is done via SSH)
# github credentials
# create an access token and grant it high privileges (, resp.
# required privileges are:
#   - repo
#   - admin:repo_hook
#   - admin:org_hook
# ServiceNow host name. Name of the ServiceNow instance which acts as a proxy to route pull requests to this CICD server
# Secret (see cicd-integration properties in ServiceNow)

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

CICD_ORGANIZATION=service now customer

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# FQDN of the CICD server under which the server is reachable in the network [localhost]
# port under which the server is reachable in the network (for HTTP protocol) [8080]
# port under which the server runs locally. 
# port under which the server is reachable in the network (port for HTTPS protocol). if enabled, requests to http:// are redirected  to https://
# port under which the server runs locally. 
# to run a custom WEB-UI, point to custom web root [node-modules/sn-cicd/web']

# HTTPS certificate information, [cert from '/cert' dir]

# FQDN for Build-Process to connect to CICD server 
# set this in case the worker nodes are running on additional server (clustered setup)
# default to CICD_WEB_HOST_NAME:CICD_WEB_HTTP[S]_PORT - !!NOT synced with worker nodes!!

# directory to place the nedb files [process.cwd()/'db']

# directory to place the ServiceNow code extraction [temp/git-root]
# temp directory for zip extraction [temp/temp-build]
# build results directory (static exposed under /doc) [temp/doc-root]

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Proxy
# Proxy settings in case server runs behind a company proxy

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# FQDN of the EventBus server to which the EventBus - Worker connect [localhost] - !!NOT synced with worker nodes!!
# WebSocket port [4443]

# Event Bus Server settings (WebSockets), [cert from '/cert' dir]

# Event Bus Client settings (WebSockets), [cert from '/cert' dir] - !!NOT synced with worker nodes!!

# Number of workers to be stared [require('os').cpus().length]  - !!NOT synced with worker nodes!!
# If the server is started via pm2, set this to 0 and start app.js

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CICD API Prefix. If you have your own version of the 'CICD Integration' application in ServiceNow, name here the scope prefix

# toggle export records which do not contain JavaScript [true]

# toggle to always crate .json files, this helps to better track changes [true]

# treat empty fields as null values. ServiceNow does not allow to detect if a field is null or empty.

# only add following sys_* field in JSON files (helps reducing the noise in pull request)
CICD_EXPORT_SYS_FIELD_WHITELIST=sys_class_name, sys_created_by, sys_created_on, sys_id, sys_mod_count, sys_name, sys_package, sys_policy, sys_scope, sys_update_name, sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# toggle slack integration
# webhook url
# override the channel of the webhook

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# GIT 
# override the git settings normally used in run(application.git)
# link to the branch template

# override the system git user settings

# create a local git repo
# raise a pull request if build pass
# delete update-set branch on merge

# ---- Master Environment Mapping ---- 
# use below settings to hard-link a development environment to a production environment (master)
# if enabled, the 'git' information in the 'run' request from ServiceNow is not required.
# set this to 'true' to only allow to checkout fom master like specified below
# default git master source (can be dangerous if you have multiple purpose instances. eg. IT and Finance)

# master source definition CICD_GIT_MASTER_SOURCE_[INSTANCENAME] (instance short name)
# this reads: if source is '', use '' as the master

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# in case puppeteer is configured to not automatically download chromium, 
# set this to a copy of chromium (see .npmrc)
# run ATF test [true]

# set below to true if you want to see the puppeteer window (headless=false)
# set this to false to protect ATF runs being executed on production environment (master env is seen as 'prod')

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# instance specific credentials can be set like
# if not specified the default is used CICD_[ATF]_[TEST_USER_NAME]

# example for instance specific credentials

# user to load update-set form 'source' and 'master'

# example for instance specific credentials

# user to deploy update-set to 'target'
# this user must have the 'admin' role

# example for instance specific credentials

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# se this to false if you run the build on a build server e.g. GitLabCi / Bamboo / Jenkins
# access token to secure the /build api (a little bit)

## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# access token to secure the /deploy api (a little bit)

# automatically deploy update set to target if build pass (if CICD_GIT_PR_ENABLED is false)
# automatically deploy update set to target if pull request resolve
# deploy update set from GIT repo instead from source service now environment

# ---- Deployment Environment Mapping ---- 
# use below settings to hard-link a source environment to a target environment
# if enabled, the 'target' information in the 'run' request from ServiceNow is not required.
# set this to 'true' to only deploy according to the below target definition

# default deployment target (can be dangerous if you have multiple purpose instances. eg. IT and Finance)
# deployment target definition

## Others
# on build tool set commit it to CICD_COMMIT_ID to have gulpfile.js access to the information in CICD server
# if not available, process will try to find last commit id via git (needs to be installed too on build server)

that's my env file.. Can u please suggest if its configured correctly


bmoers commented 5 years ago

Hi Tanoy

Thanks for sharing. I hope you did replace the passwords (servicenow) and tokens (github) first.

The deploy on pull request flag needs to be switched on. CICD_CD_DEPLOY_ON_PR_RESOLVE=true

Beside that, I can find following hosts in the file




This reads: if you close an update set on dev74584 it will

You can also email me to the address in my profile.

Cheers Boris

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Hi Boris,

The other day I was trying to integrate jenkins as a build tool with cicd pipeline.

Any Idea how I can process with this ?

I know u have been using bamboo for build but we are implementing Jenkins for that matter.

I have tried making changes for this set this to false if you run the build on a build server e.g. GitLabCi / Bamboo / Jenkins CICD_EMBEDDED_BUILD=false

Your feedback is valuable

Thanks Tanoy

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 12:14 PM Boris Moers wrote:

Closed #7

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Apart from that boris.

I also have some series of questions. Can you please clear my doubts on this ?

I know these are a lot of questions I am asking :) But as a process to know more and build it better we are curious to know

Thanks for all the help boris

Thankyou, Tanoy

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 11:42 PM Tanoy Basak wrote:

Hi Boris,

The other day I was trying to integrate jenkins as a build tool with cicd pipeline.

Any Idea how I can process with this ?

I know u have been using bamboo for build but we are implementing Jenkins for that matter.

I have tried making changes for this set this to false if you run the build on a build server e.g. GitLabCi / Bamboo / Jenkins CICD_EMBEDDED_BUILD=false

Your feedback is valuable

Thanks Tanoy

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 12:14 PM Boris Moers wrote:

Closed #7

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

tanaybasak commented 5 years ago

Hi Boris,

Thank you very much for your response. Actually for us the scenario is quiet different here. We have everything done in our instance in global and now we are just deploying our update sets manually to other instance. So, we just wanted to know the code and configuration that we already have in production, how we can move everything to git repo. So that we have our master ready to be compared with the new changes we make.

Another thing is, Can we use this button [BUILD THIS APPLICATION(CICD)] to our global scope and use this for our global application ?

Thank you, Tanoy

On Fri, 30 Aug, 2019, 5:51 AM Tanoy Basak, wrote:

Apart from that boris.

I also have some series of questions. Can you please clear my doubts on this ?

  • What is the format of the artifacts stored in the repository and the format of 'build' output(In what format the code reaches the git repo and in what format it is deployed after the build in other instance) ?
  • When the OOTB elements are moved to a global scoped application and changed thereafter, the ServiceNow upgrade process may skip covering them. Simulate the scenario as part of New York upgrade and assess the impact of such scenario ?
  • The CI process gets triggered when an Update Set in the Global is set to Completed. Can we merge, build and deploy the update sets directly from Global in source instance to Global in target instance without having to move them in a scope application(as because we have everything in global)?
  • How can we exclude the incomplete update sets from the build process so that a stable build is obtained and deployed in the target instance at the end of CD process ?

I know these are a lot of questions I am asking :) But as a process to know more and build it better we are curious to know

Thanks for all the help boris

Thankyou, Tanoy

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 11:42 PM Tanoy Basak wrote:

Hi Boris,

The other day I was trying to integrate jenkins as a build tool with cicd pipeline.

Any Idea how I can process with this ?

I know u have been using bamboo for build but we are implementing Jenkins for that matter.

I have tried making changes for this set this to false if you run the build on a build server e.g. GitLabCi / Bamboo / Jenkins CICD_EMBEDDED_BUILD=false

Your feedback is valuable

Thanks Tanoy

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 12:14 PM Boris Moers wrote:

Closed #7

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .