The correct answer is: Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. Also including calls for the death of members of the British armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.
The correct answers are: Opportunities are taken to promote British values, The promotion of the Equality duty to learners
The correct answers are: All staff, All governors and board members, All volunteers, Subcontracted and agency staff working in the organisation
The correct answers are: Ensuring staff understand the risk presented by extremism and build the capabilities within their organisations to deal with this, Ensuring the staff undergo training in the Prevent duty
The correct answers are: For workplaces with apprentices to have a named individual who apprentices will go to about Safeguarding concerns including preventing extremism concerns, For employers to have a named individual who is Prevent duty trained , For the main provider to ensure that any Safeguarding or Prevent duty concerns are reported to their Safeguarding team by the organisation employing apprentices
The correct answers are: The external speakers policy and procedures should be followed, The Local Authority or DfE Prevent coordinator should be consulted
The correct answers are: Internal information sharing policy, External information sharing policy, Staff training policy, The organisation's Safeguarding and Prevent referral policy and procedures
The correct answer is: The vulnerabilities do not tell you that an individual will become an extremist
The correct answer is: Take note of any behaviour which might suggest a Safeguarding including Prevent duty concern. Check what you have noticed. If you are still concerned refer this to the Safeguarding team
Behaviour and attitudes, Leadership and management, Personal development
The correct answer is: They will be supported away from extremism through a process tailored to their needs
The correct answers are: Staff are helped in exemplifying British values as well as ensuring they understand how to use opportunities in the curriculum to promote these values, Staff are aware of how to refer concerns about individuals who are vulnerable to radicalisation
The correct answers are: They should follow their policies and procedures for the management of events held on the premises, If the institution is confident that it can mitigate any extremism ideas by challenging them with opposing views at the same event they could decide to let the event take place
The correct answer is: To review risks across the institution in relation to the Prevent duty
The correct answers are: The local authority, The police
The correct answers are: Opportunities to explore British values being highlighted in lesson plans with activities shown, Opportunities to explore British values being highlighted in a scheme of work with activities shown
The correct answer is: Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
The correct answers are: Showing tolerance of different faiths and beliefs in their practice, Showing respect for other faiths and beliefs in their practice
The correct answer is: Reporting Prevent for safeguarding concerns about a learner to the main provider
The correct answers are: Monitoring of provider internet and wifi usage, Web filtering
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