As-is, with all sides the default color("gold"), the finger joints can be very hard to see.
To make the sides different shades of gold so the joints can be seen more easily, in module lasercutoutBoxAdjustedFJ(), add color("#BFA700") before the translate for each of the third and fouth sides and color("#DFC700") before the translate for each of the fifth and sixth sides (inside the if blocks).
This has no effect if the user is recoloring their laser cut box as the outer color() will override the inner color() so should have negligible backwards compatibility impact.
As-is, with all sides the default color("gold"), the finger joints can be very hard to see.
To make the sides different shades of gold so the joints can be seen more easily, in module lasercutoutBoxAdjustedFJ(), add color("#BFA700") before the translate for each of the third and fouth sides and color("#DFC700") before the translate for each of the fifth and sixth sides (inside the if blocks).
This has no effect if the user is recoloring their laser cut box as the outer color() will override the inner color() so should have negligible backwards compatibility impact.