bmurauer / pipelinehelper

scikit-helper to hot-swap pipeline elements
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Get selected features from PipelineHelper object #18

Closed jonathan-f closed 1 year ago

jonathan-f commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for the great package! I am using PipelineHelper to build a Pipeline that I give in input to grid search CV, here an example code:

pipe = Pipeline([
    ('scaler', PipelineHelper([
        ('std', StandardScaler()),
        ('minmax', MinMaxScaler()),
    ('selector', PipelineHelper([
        ('kb', SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif)),
    ('classifier', PipelineHelper([
        ('svm', LinearSVC()),
        ('rf', RandomForestClassifier()),
        ('lr', LogisticRegression()),
        ('dt', DecisionTreeClassifier()),


search_space = {
    'scaler__selected_model': pipe.named_steps['scaler'].generate({
        'std__with_mean': [True, False],
        'std__with_std': [True, False],
        'minmax__copy': [True],  # just for displaying
    'selector__selected_model': pipe.named_steps['selector'].generate({
        'kb__k': [5,10,15,20,26,30,41],}),
    'classifier__selected_model': pipe.named_steps['classifier'].generate({
        'svm__C': [0.1, 1.0],
        'rf__n_estimators': [100, 20],
        'lr__C': [0.01, 0.1, 1.0],
        'dt__max_depth' : [5,10,None],
        'dt__splitter': ['best','random'],
        'dt__criterion' :['gini', 'entropy'],

clf1 = GridSearchCV(pipe, search_space, cv=5, verbose=3,n_jobs=10,scoring = 'roc_auc')
clf1 =, y) 

The grid search CV works fine, then I want to get the features that are selected by the best estimator, using the command

clf1.best_estimator_.named_steps['selector'].get_support() but I get this error: AttributeError: 'PipelineHelper' object has no attribute 'get_support'

Is there a way to extract the selected features from a PipelineHelper object?

Thank you, Best wishes Jonathan

jonathan-f commented 1 year ago

Hello, I modified the class PipelineHelper to keep also the selected features and the feature importance (if present), I provide the code that could be useful for other users.

With the new definition of the class and the same pipeline and search space as in my previous comment, after running the grid search CV

gs = GridSearchCV(pipe, search_space, cv=5, verbose=3,n_jobs=-1,scoring = 'roc_auc')
gs =, y)

it is possible to get the Boolean vector of the selected features as done usually in sklearn


and the feature importance can be obtained in the following way:

if hasattr(gs.best_estimator_.named_steps['classifier'], 'feature_importances'):
    feature_importances = gs.best_estimator_.named_steps['classifier'].feature_importances

Here is the code for the new class:

class PipelineHelper(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ClassifierMixin):
    This class can be used in scikit pipelines to select elements.

    In addition to the "replace_estimator" functionality of scikit itself,
    this class allows to set specified parameters for each option in the list.

    def __init__(
        Selects elements from a list to use as estimators in a pipeline.

            available_models: a list of models which should be selected from.
                If you have time on your hands, please enable the use of
                pipelines here.
            selected_model: this parameter is required for the clone operation
                used by gridsearch. It should only be used initially if no grid
                search is used.
            optional: if set to true, one of the resulting configurations will
                have this stage empty.
        self.optional = optional
        # this is required for the clone operator used in gridsearch
        self.selected_model = selected_model
        self.selected_features = None

        # cloned
        if type(available_models) == dict:
            self.available_models = available_models
            # manually initialized
            self.available_models = {}
            for (key, model) in available_models:
                self.available_models[key] = model

    def generate(self, param_dict=None):
        Generates the parameters that are required for a gridsearch.

            param_dict: parameters for the available models provided in the
                constructor. Note that these don't require the prefix path of
                all elements higher up the hierarchy of this TransformerPicker.

        if param_dict is None:
            param_dict = dict()
        per_model_parameters = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))

        # collect parameters for each specified model
        for k, values in param_dict.items():
            # example:  randomforest__n_estimators
            model_name = k.split('__')[0]
            param_name = k[len(model_name) + 2:]
            if model_name not in self.available_models:
                raise Exception('no such model: {0}'.format(model_name))
            per_model_parameters[model_name][param_name] = values

        ret = []

        # create instance for cartesion product of all available parameters
        # for each model
        for model_name, param_dict in per_model_parameters.items():
            parameter_sets = ParameterGrid(param_dict)
            for parameters in parameter_sets:
                ret.append((model_name, parameters))

        # for every model that has no specified parameters, add default value
        for model_name in self.available_models.keys():
            if model_name not in per_model_parameters:
                ret.append((model_name, dict()))

        if self.optional:
            ret.append((None, dict()))
        return ret

    def get_support(self):
        if self.selected_features is None:
            raise ValueError('Selected features are not available.')
        return self.selected_features

    def get_params(self, deep=True):
        Returns the parameters of the current TransformerPicker instance.

        Note that this is different from the parameters used by the selected
        model. Provided for scikit estimator compatibility.
        result = {
            'available_models': self.available_models,
            'selected_model': self.selected_model,
            'optional': self.optional,
        if deep and self.selected_model:
                'selected_model__' + k: v
                for k, v in self.selected_model.get_params(deep=True).items()
        if deep and self.available_models:
            for name, model in self.available_models.items():
                result['available_models__' + name] = model
                    'available_models__' + name + '__' + k: v
                    for k, v in model.get_params(deep=True).items()
        return result

    def transformer_list(self):
        Returns a list of all available models.

        Provided for scikit estimator compatibility.
        return self.available_models

    def set_params(self,
        Sets the parameters to all available models.

        Provided for scikit estimator compatibility.
        if available_models:
            self.available_models = available_models

        if selected_model[0] is None:
            self.selected_model = None
            if selected_model[0] not in self.available_models:
                raise ValueError(
                    'trying to set selected model {selected_model[0]}, which '
                    f'is not in the available models {available_models}.'
            self.selected_model = self.available_models[selected_model[0]]
            if self.selected_model is not None:
        return self

    def fit(self, x, y=None, **kwargs):
        """Fits the selected model."""
        if self.selected_model is None or self.selected_model == 'passthrough':
            return self
            if hasattr(self.selected_model, 'get_support'):
      , y, **kwargs)
                self.selected_features = self.selected_model.get_support()
      , y, **kwargs)
                self.selected_features = None
            if hasattr(self.selected_model, 'feature_importances_'):
                self.feature_importances = self.selected_model.feature_importances_
                self.feature_importances =  None
        return self

    def transform(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        """Transforms data with the selected model."""
        if self.selected_model is None or self.selected_model == 'passthrough':
            return x
            return self.selected_model.transform(x, *args, **kwargs)

    def predict(self, x):
        """Predicts data with the selected model."""
        if self.optional:
            raise ValueError('a classifier cannot be optional')
        return self.selected_model.predict(x)

    def predict_proba(self, x):
        return self.selected_model.predict_proba(x)

    def decision_function(self, x):
        return self.selected_model.decision_function(x)

    def classes_(self):
        if hasattr(self.selected_model, 'classes_'):
            return self.selected_model.classes_
        raise ValueError('selected model does not provide classes_')

Best wishes, Jonathan

bmurauer commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback. I have updated the class to support get_support() by using the @if_delegate_has_method decorator. Also, I have updated the README - this project will be deprecated soon, and the native scikit-learn methods should be preferred.