bmuschko / gradle-clover-plugin

Gradle plugin for generating a code coverage report using Clover
Apache License 2.0
74 stars 49 forks source link

Use TestKit for defining and executing functional tests #80

Closed bmuschko closed 6 years ago

bmuschko commented 7 years ago

All tests under integTest should be executed with TestKit, the built-in solution for executing functional tests with Gradle.

Goal: Avoid any custom infrastructure logic, benefit from built-in features.

What is called integration test in this project should be coined with functional test. You can find other examples on the setup of TestKit in other plugins I wrote e.g. the Docker plugin.

Alex-Vol-SV commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion @bmuschko I will use your Docker plugin for examples, I want to become more familiar with the TestKit in general so this is a very good excuse to do so.

Alex-Vol-SV commented 7 years ago

I am impressed with the clarity and structure of your tests in the Docker plugin @bmuschko - I think I will borrow much of your build logic when I get to this task. I am excited at the opportunity to make this change.