bmw-tech / atlas

An Extensible Map Abstraction for Flutter
MIT License
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Adding Circles to the map #131

Open socrates-hlapolosa opened 2 years ago

socrates-hlapolosa commented 2 years ago

Hi Guys, great package and wonderful work. I have been struggling to add circles to the map using the google_provider package and discovered that;

I created a circle test inside: packages/google_atlas/test/widget_tests/google_atlas_widget_test.dart that looks like this;

        'should return correct GoogleMap when build is called with one circle',
        (WidgetTester tester) async {
      final GoogleMaps.Circle expectedCircle = GoogleMaps.Circle(
        circleId: GoogleMaps.CircleId('circle-1'),
        center: GoogleMaps.LatLng(41.8781, -87.6298),
        radius: 10,

      final Set<Circle> mockCircle = Set<Circle>.from([
          id: 'circle-1',
          radiusInMeters: 10,
          center: LatLng(
            latitude: 41.8781,
            longitude: -87.6298,

      await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
        title: 'Atlas Test Sample with Google Provider',
        home: AtlasTestSample(
          initialCameraPosition: initialCameraPosition,
          circles: mockCircle,
          // markers: mockMarker,

      await tester.pumpAndSettle();

      final FakePlatformGoogleMap platformGoogleMap =

      expect(platformGoogleMap.circlesToAdd.length, 1);

      final GoogleMaps.Circle actualCircle =
      expect(platformGoogleMap.circleIdsToRemove.isEmpty, true);
      expect(actualCircle, equals(expectedCircle));

the only way i could get this test to pass was by altering packages/google_atlas/lib/src/google_atlas.dart as follows;

return FutureBuilder<Set<GoogleMaps.Circle>>(
      future: _toGoogleCircles(circles),
      initialData: Set<GoogleMaps.Circle>(),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return GoogleMaps.GoogleMap(
          myLocationEnabled: showMyLocation,
          myLocationButtonEnabled: showMyLocationButton,
          mapType: _toGoogleMapType(mapType),
          trafficEnabled: showTraffic,
          markers: _toGoogleMarkers(markers),
          circles: snapshot.hasError ? Set<GoogleMaps.Circle>() :,
          polylines: _toGooglePolylines(lines),
          onTap: _toGoogleOnTap(onTap),
          onLongPress: _toGoogleOnLongPress(onLongPress),
          onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,
          onCameraMove: _onCameraMove,

but if i do that, then markers dont work.

How do i go about adding circles to map?

Regards, Socrates

socrates-hlapolosa commented 2 years ago

BTW i see that support for circle was added in atlas v0.2.0;

v0.2.0 (2019-10-16)

but i'm looking at atlas v1.0.0 ang google_atas v0.7.0 and doesnt seem as if those previous changes are there, what is the new prefered way of working with circles?