bmwant / hapless

Run and manage background processes
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Read from $PATH for commands to run #4

Open ReneFroger opened 2 years ago

ReneFroger commented 2 years ago

I have the tye, an executable. type tye gives me this: /home/user/.dotnet/tools/tye.

Moving this to /usr/bin/ will not work. Tye which needs dependencies which are stored in dotnet/tools. But when I dohap run tye, I get the error:/bin/sh: 1: tye not found`.

But dotnet/tools is in my PATH. So I think Hapless should include the local path as well when running commands?

bmwant commented 2 years ago

Right, agree that it should automatically pickup whatever is possible to run from current shell session. I will look into that and fix this issue.

BionicRust commented 1 week ago

just reboot