bmwcarit / barefoot

Java map matching library for integrating the map into software and services with state-of-the-art online and offline map matching that can be used stand-alone and in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Map-matcher configuration #128

Open aminasadi0 opened 5 years ago

aminasadi0 commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to get the matcher to map match "34.77561, 137.18605" on the race track. But matcher matches the position to the road or the parking lots around the racetrack and not the track itself. I added the hightway type "raceway" to the road-types file and tried with different priorities. I also did try to edit ths .osm file and change the road type to something else. No changes in Matcher behaviour.

Any idea?

GeoWonk commented 5 years ago

Not a maintainer here but I did have to solve a similar problem (albeit more complicated) to include ferry routes. Have you reimported the map data?road-types.json is used by and it's python scripts to determine what osm data to keep and to discard. Unless you reimport the data ways with the tag highway:raceway won't be in your database. You might need to run mvn clean first though.

aminasadi0 commented 5 years ago

Hi GeoWonk,

I use docker so everytime I test I run the docker container and I import the data within the container. Finally after the test I remove the container. So postgresql is removed all together. The road-type file is mounted from host so I can edit it and next time container picks it up and use it.

So you added ferry-routes to road-types.json? What did you set for priority. I see high and low values for common road types.

smattheis commented 5 years ago

GeoWonk already mentioned: Whenever you use different OSM data, you need to reimport the complete map. After doing that, remember to delete *.bfmap files which are temporary files that speed up loading a map after it was imported the first time.