bmwcarit / barefoot

Java map matching library for integrating the map into software and services with state-of-the-art online and offline map matching that can be used stand-alone and in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Server failing to load map #131

Closed sergiormpereira closed 5 years ago

sergiormpereira commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am trying to use Map Matching with the south part of USA (us-south-latest.osm.pbf). I manage to create the docker with the database, and then I tried to launch the server as:

java -Xmx32g -jar target/barefoot-0.1.5-matcher-jar-with-dependencies.jar --geojson config/ config/

I put the flag -Xmx32g because it was first raising an issue of heap space, which I manage to pass with that flag.

My (default parameters): server.port=1234 server.timeout.request=15000 server.timeout.response=60000 server.connections=20 matcher.sigma=10 matcher.lambda=0.0 matcher.distance.max=15000 matcher.radius.max=200 matcher.interval.min=1000 matcher.distance.min=0 matcher.threads=8 matcher.shortenturns=true database.port=5432 database.table=bfmap_ways database.user=osmuser database.password=pass database.road-types=./map/tools/road-types.json

The exception that I got is attached as an image.

I tried with Berlin and the server launched normally.

I also tried to query the database for the number of rows as "docker exec barefoot_us_south psql -h localhost -U osmuser -d barefoot_us_south -c "select count(*) from bfmap_ways ;"", and got 17952685, so, when the server is launched it raises the exception before loading the whole database. Do you have an idea of what may be the problem?


screenshot 2019-01-23 at 14 55 12

smattheis commented 5 years ago

Try deleting the bfmap file in the directory that was created before and start the server again to load from the map server instead the file. (Maybe the bfmap file was corrupted when you loaded it the first time where you got the heap space problem.)

sergiormpereira commented 5 years ago

It worked! Thanks a lot for the super fast answer :)