bmwcarit / barefoot

Java map matching library for integrating the map into software and services with state-of-the-art online and offline map matching that can be used stand-alone and in the cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Question: Add administrative boundaries to matcher response #150

Open melroc83 opened 4 years ago

melroc83 commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, few weeks ago I've started to take a look on this library. It's very clear and powerful :) Matcher server is perfectly what I need to cover a project requirement. Anyway, I'm straggling to understand if there is a way to add, inside the tags response, also the administrative boundaries like city name, country, zipcode, ecc... I think is something related the bfmap_way preparation so nothing strictly related to the barefoot java library. Any suggestion how to do it? Have anyone tried to do the same? Thanks