bmx-ng / bcc

A next-generation bcc parser for BlitzMax
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Suggestion: add "?development" or make "?release" working #572

Open GWRon opened 2 years ago

GWRon commented 2 years ago


I just got asked by a user who "recently" started with BlitzMax -- about the "?release" conditional. They assumed that it can be used to for "release" builds (so not developer builds - but also no "slow" debug builds).

So ... I thought "nah, for now this is the same as ?not debug" and had a closer look.

?release is not defined in BCC (but mentioned in the docs:

So I ask if either ?release could become a special build mode (by bmk then) which you add if you plan to "release" your project, or if there could be a new conditional added - like ?development which can be used to distinguish between an "inhouse" build and an "release" build.

Yes, you could always modify a piece of code which sets a "isDevBuild:int = True" or similar, but this requires file changes (which might trigger Backup systems, VCS observers or similar).

If that is not possibly: why is there ?release at all (not defined now - and if defined and acting like ?not debug it would be kind of a duplicate)?

What do I see of benefits from a ?release or ?development conditional?

Framework Brl.StandardIO

?development  'or ?not release
Import "logger.with.inhouse.dependencies.bmx"
Import "developer.assets.and.functions.bmx"

You cannot use ?debug in all cases as certain code structures (like for loops with function calls) will lead to sluggish / slow code. So ?debug is only useful to test for "crashes" but not during normal development like "balancing" (which often requires "cheating", manual manipulation).

GWRon commented 2 years ago
Framework Brl.StandardIO

Print "I am a debug build"
?Not debug
Print "I am NOT a debug build"

Print "I am a release build"
?Not Release
Print "I am NOT a release build"

Print "unknown"
?Not unknown
Print "not unknown"

For now this prints


Building untitled1
[ 10%] Processing:untitled1.bmx
[ 91%] Compiling:untitled1.bmx.console.release.linux.x64.c
[100%] Linking:untitled1
I am NOT a debug build
not unknown

Process complete


Building untitled1
[ 10%] Processing:untitled1.bmx
[ 91%] Compiling:untitled1.bmx.console.debug.linux.x64.c
[100%] Linking:untitled1.debug
I am a debug build
not unknown

Process complete

So interestingly it somehow ... ignores ?release completely ?

Edit: maybe this is because of the "release" keyword? Yeah ... try it with "?throw" and it fails to print too.