bmx-ng / bcc

A next-generation bcc parser for BlitzMax
zlib License
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Automatic string to byte ptr generation #655

Open GWRon opened 4 months ago

GWRon commented 4 months ago


While Mark (blitz-research / Speedy Snail) brought up the topic of passing strings to C not requiring "ToCString()" I scanned the git history of bcc to check when this automatic behaviour was added.

Seems in 2014 ...

Now the questions are: Why was this done? Wouldn't one expect to pass the "object pointer" instead of some "magic auto generation"? (What about the people who want to pass the string object / pointer instead of the string content?)

@HurryStarfish suggested (without much tinker-time - so just a "simple thought") to have something explicitely introduced, like the reverse of $z or $w.