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"News"-section todo #22

Open GWRon opened 5 years ago

GWRon commented 5 years ago

For now "news" leads to "blogs" which is empty too.

Why not add the various commit-logs of all the repositories the BlitzMaxNG project is consisting of?

So fetch all commits/activities and glue them together so only the date orders "the projects activities".

GWRon commented 5 years ago

Eg. we could use this one here:

That way you have automatically "news" there ... without having to update it by hand.

woollybah commented 5 years ago

Your example isn't very useful. It seems general activities (like comments) aren't very helpful at all. I accept, if there was a list of commits, on a per project basis, it might be useful.

GWRon commented 5 years ago

Will have to look further - but I assume there are libraries out there which just fetch what you want (from the API) and render the jscon response into some div containers.

woollybah commented 5 years ago

Yeah... something that takes the output of this, I suppose : and does something useful with it...