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Adding Discord-chat-links #38

Closed GWRon closed 4 years ago

GWRon commented 4 years ago

Uploading the image to here allows to directly use it on the website.


613699895139762176 (1)

I would like to add a chat-link to the website displaying current amount of users - similar to the github stars.

GWRon commented 4 years ago

I propsed it via a Pull-Request but to make it complete I post it here too:

              rel="noreferrer noopener">
              <img src=""
                   alt="Chat on Discord"
                   data-canonical-src="" style="max-width:100%;"
woollybah commented 4 years ago

So, something like this then...


<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
    <img alt="Chat on Discord" src=""/>
GWRon commented 4 years ago

Yes ... but the link there is using a PNG as default and the canonical url is the actual url to use (an svg).

Edit: I bluntly copied that from raylib and they for sure do it that way for a reason.

Edit2: I think it has also to do with where the image is coming from - the first one is from the same site (github stuff) while the second one would be an external image.