bmx-ng / brl.mod

BlitzMax Runtime Libraries, for BlitzMax NG.
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Segfault with reflection and arrays #14

Closed GWRon closed 9 years ago

GWRon commented 9 years ago

I am using this code to clone objects:

    'clones the given object
    'function is calling itself recursively for each property
    'returns the cloned object
    Function CloneObject:object(obj:object)
        'clone code is based on the work of "Azathoth"

        'skip cloning nothing
        If obj = Null Then Return Null

        'to access properties we need a TTypeID of the object
        Local objTypeID:TTypeId=TTypeId.ForObject(obj)

        '=== STRINGS ===
        If objTypeID.ExtendsType(StringTypeId) then return String(obj)

        '=== ARRAYS ===
        If objTypeID.ExtendsType(ArrayTypeId)
            'if an array does not contain elements, the reflection
            'cannot recognize which type the array contains (Null[])

            'accessing this "null[]"-arrays would lead to a thrown
            'error - so we need "try" to catch the exception.
            'Thanks to Brucey's persistence.mod (doing it similar)

            'objects name might be TMyType[] - remove the []-part
            Local objTypeName:string =[ - 2]
            Local size:Int
                size = objTypeID.ArrayLength(obj)
            Catch e$
                objTypeName = "Object"
                size = 0
            End Try

            'if the object does not contain things in that array, the
            'copy wont need it too
            If size = 0 then return Null

            'create new array
            local clone:object = objTypeID.NewArray(objTypeID.ArrayLength(obj))
            'something failed, return a null object
            If not clone then return Null

            'clone each element of the array
            For Local i:int=0 Until objTypeID.ArrayLength(obj)
                'run recursive clone for arrays, objects and strings
                If objTypeID.ElementType().ExtendsType(ArrayTypeId) or objTypeID.ElementType().ExtendsType(StringTypeId) or objTypeID.ElementType().ExtendsType(ObjectTypeId)
                    objTypeID.SetArrayElement(clone, i, CloneObject(objTypeID.GetArrayElement(obj, i)))
                    objTypeID.SetArrayElement(clone, i, objTypeID.GetArrayElement(obj, i))

            return clone

        Local clone:object

        'use the objects specific clone method instead of our
        'generic approach
        'call a method "CloneObject:Int(original:obj)"
        Local mth:TMethod = objTypeID.FindMethod("CloneObject")
        If mth
            clone = objTypeID.NewObject()
            mth.Invoke(clone, [obj])

            '=== LISTS ===
            If objTypeID.ExtendsType(ListTypeID)
                local list:TList = CreateList()
                For local entry:object = EachIn TList(obj)
                    list.AddLast( CloneObject(entry) )
                return list

            '=== TMAPS ===
            If objTypeID.ExtendsType(MapTypeID)
                local map:TMap = CreateMap()
                For local key:string = EachIn TMap(obj).Keys()
                    map.Insert(key, CloneObject(TMap(obj).ValueForKey(key)) )
                return map

            '=== OBJECTS ===
            'create a new instance of the objects type
            'Local clone:object = New obj
            clone = objTypeID.NewObject()

            'loop over all fields of the object
            For Local fld:TField=EachIn objTypeID.EnumFields()
                Local fldId:TTypeId=fld.TypeId()

                'only clone non-null-fields and if not explicitely forbidden
                If fld.Get(obj) And fld.MetaData("NoClone") = Null
                    'if explizitely stated, clone referenceable objects by
                    'reusing their reference, else deep clone it
                    If fld.MetaData("CloneUseReference")
                        fld.Set(clone, fld.Get(obj))
                        fld.Set(clone, CloneObject(fld.Get(obj)))

        'inform the clone that it got cloned
        'call a method "onGotCloned:Int(original:obj)"
        mth = objTypeID.FindMethod("onGotCloned")
        If mth then mth.Invoke(clone, [obj])

        Return clone
    End Function    

Using it, segfaults for me:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0859c949 in brl_reflection_TTypeId_ForObject (bbt_obj=0xc4322d0)
    at /home/ronny/Arbeit/Programmieren/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/reflection.mod/.bmx/reflection.bmx.debug.linux.x86.c:2497
2497            return (((struct brl_reflection_TTypeId_obj*)bbt_)->clas)->md_ArrayType(bbt_,1);


#0  0x0859c949 in brl_reflection_TTypeId_ForObject (bbt_obj=0xc4322d0)
    at /home/ronny/Arbeit/Programmieren/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/reflection.mod/.bmx/reflection.bmx.debug.linux.x86.c:2497
#1  0x08350475 in _base_util_helper_THelper_CloneObject (bbt_obj=0xc4322d0)
    at /home/ronny/Arbeit/Programmieren/BlitzMaxNG/TVTower-master/source/Dig/.bmx/base.util.helper.bmx.debug.linux.x86.c:459
#2  0x08351c3d in _base_util_helper_THelper_CloneObject (bbt_obj=0xe28f7f8)
    at /home/ronny/Arbeit/Programmieren/BlitzMaxNG/TVTower-master/source/Dig/.bmx/base.util.helper.bmx.debug.linux.x86.c:896

The last line in the c-file references fld.Set(clone, CloneObject(fld.Get(obj))) (when iterating over fields). The second last line references the portion

    'to access properties we need a TTypeID of the object
    Local objTypeID:TTypeId=TTypeId.ForObject(obj)

I printed out the field name right before "fld.Set()" and it was the field "cast" in my case, which is defined as Field cast:TProgrammePersonJob[] (an array).

So somehow this crashes when "obj" is an array of this type. I tried to reproduce it in a simple example but it did not crash for this. Maybe I am interpreting the BackTrace in a wrong way?

woollybah commented 9 years ago

Compiling with option "-gdb" can sometimes be useful too.

GWRon commented 9 years ago

Maybe you should add this option to MaxIDE then (Debug, Debug GDB). Recompiled the whole project with "-gdb" (recompile enforced as it else reused the normal debugbuild which existed already)

./bmk makeapp -t console -d -a -gdb "/path/to/my/project.bmx" ... happily recompiled the project ...

when running the project via "gdb" the crash details are the same (same for backtrace).

Did I miss a step?

EDIT: ok, recompiled the modules too:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0859cad9 in brl_reflection_TTypeId_ForObject (bbt_obj=0xce05330)
    at /home/ronny/Arbeit/Programmieren/BlitzMaxNG/mod/brl.mod/reflection.mod/reflection.bmx:1813
1813            EndIf

Right before that endif the source is this:

    Function ForObject:TTypeId( obj:Object )
        Local class:Byte Ptr=bbRefGetObjectClass( obj )
        If class=ArrayTypeId._class
            If Not bbRefArrayLength( obj ) Return ArrayTypeId
            Return TypeIdForTag( bbRefArrayTypeTag( obj ) ).ArrayType()
            Return TTypeId( _classMap.ValueForKey( New TClass.SetClass( class ) ) )

So something there is not working as intended ?

GWRon commented 9 years ago

Ok, So I appended some "debug print" right before that Return TTypeId(...)

            if not _classMap then Print "ForObject: _classMap Missing"

            if not class then Print "ForObject: class is null"

            if not New TClass.SetClass( class ) then print "ForObject: SetClass failed"

            if not _classMap.ValueForKey( New TClass.SetClass( class ) ) then Print "ForObject: _classMap.ValueForKey NULL"

            Return TTypeId( _classMap.ValueForKey( New TClass.SetClass( class ) ) )

It fails at the first ' which I assume means, it failed the line before (like with that "endif"). Which means _classMap is null in that call. But this _classMap is a global one I assume this cannot be the case. Why is it failing at odd lines (like EndIf or ') ...

Ok ... so I expanded the first if to be:

            If _classMap
                Print "ForObject: _classMap exists"
                print "ForObject: _classMap Missing"

Recompiled modules, recompiled (of course then) my project ... and it prints some "_classMap exists" when cloning objects ... but as soon as it has to clone the type with "cast:TProgrammePersonJob[]" it fails at the line: Print "ForObject: _classMap exists" (which I think means it fails on If _classMap) ... but how could such a thing fail?

GWRon commented 9 years ago

I tried more and more things - I even created a new file only importing things used in the specific situation - and it does not crash there (cloning the basic objects by hand) but it fails as soon as it is done via the more complicated routines in the db-xml-loader.

I assume that there is something borked in reflection.mod and it needs a rare situation to make it break.

Feel free to download the most current version from: and compile on your own. As compilation is a bit slow, I prepared a smaller example (still using much of the game objects) - this sample also segfaults. Place it next to "TVTower.bmx":

Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import "source/game.database.bmx"

Global l:TDatabaseLoader = New TDatabaseLoader

The problematic line is in source/game.database.bmx:

    Method LoadV3ProgrammeLicenceFromNode:TProgrammeLicence(node:TxmlNode, xml:TXmlHelper, parentLicence:TProgrammeLicence = Null)
            'try to clone the parent's data - if that fails, create
            'a new instance
            if parentLicence then programmeData = TProgrammeData(THelper.CloneObject(

"data" is valid (checked that before).

But it only fails if the "TProgrammeData" contains something in the field "cast:TProgrammePersonJob[]" (leave it empty be commenting out the "AddCast")

Edit: it is not important if the "cast" is of type "TProgrammePersonJob" - it segfaults in that type as soon as I append a "complex" type:

Type TProgrammeData extends TGameObject {_exposeToLua}
    Field objectArray:TMap[] = [new TMap,new TMap]

will fail at "objectArray" then...

GWRon commented 9 years ago

Ok, I shrinked my example to this one:

Framework Brl.StandardIO

Import "source/game.programme.programmedata.bmx"
Import "source/game.programme.programmeperson.bmx"

'create a base person so the cast of the data block can get filled
Local person:TProgrammePerson = New TProgrammePerson

'create an entry
Local programmeData:TProgrammeData = New TProgrammeData
'add sample cast - only fails with something set in the cast (else it is not "cloned")
programmeData.AddCast(New TProgrammePersonJob.Init(person, TVTProgrammePersonJob.ACTOR))

'this fails (when "cast"-field is the thing to clone)

Print "cloned..."

Any hints to narrow it down even further?

GWRon commented 9 years ago

Ok ... next try, this time I removed every external source, so the following code is a "single file" example:

EDIT: made the code even shorter:

Framework Brl.StandardIO
Import Brl.Reflection

Type TDataBlock
    Field cast:TSubData[]
End Type

Type TSubData
    Field bla:Int
End Type

Local data:TDataBlock = New TDataBlock
'add sample entry - only works with this
data.cast :+ [New TSubData]

Print "Fetching objTypeIDs: "
Local objTypeID:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject(data)
For Local fld:TField = EachIn objTypeID.EnumFields()
    Print "  Field: "
    If fld.Get(data)
        Print "  Field: not empty!"
        'this fails for our array
        Local subObjTypeID:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForObject(fld.Get(data))
Print "Fetched."

It fails as soon as it has to get the "ForObject" of the array.

woollybah commented 9 years ago

The latest bcc commit should hopefully resolve this issue.

GWRon commented 9 years ago

BTW: If you want to close an issue in another repo: "Closes/Fixes bmx-ng/brl.mod#14" in your bcc-ng-commit would close this issue.

Sample of course compiles now...

ATM recompiling my game (takes a while) ... finished, failing in another situation now ... so prepare for new issues :laughing: