Open thareh opened 4 years ago
Hi, I came across a weird bug that makes the program freeze on Windows.
SuperStrict Framework BRL.StandardIO Import MaxGUI.Drivers Import BRL.EventQueue Local Window:TGadget = CreateWindow("Test", 0, 0, 1280, 768, Null, WINDOW_TITLEBAR | WINDOW_RESIZABLE | WINDOW_STATUS | WINDOW_ACCEPTFILES | WINDOW_MENU) Local Tabber:TGadget = CreateTabber(0, 0, ClientWidth(Window), ClientHeight(Window), Window) AddGadgetItem(Tabber, "foo", 0, 0) AddGadgetItem(Tabber, "bar", 0, 1) Local Panels:TGadget[2] Panels[0] = CreatePanel(0, 0, ClientWidth(Tabber), ClientHeight(Tabber), Tabber) CreateHTMLView(0, 0, ClientWidth(Panels[0]), ClientHeight(Panels[0]), Panels[0]) HideGadget(Panels[0]) Panels[1] = CreatePanel(0, 0, ClientWidth(Tabber), ClientHeight(Tabber), Tabber) CreateTextArea(0, 0, ClientWidth(Panels[1]), ClientHeight(Panels[1]), Panels[1]) HideGadget(Panels[1]) Repeat WaitEvent() Print CurrentEvent.ToString() Select EventID() Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End Case EVENT_GADGETACTION ShowGadget(Panels[EventData()]) EndSelect Forever
Click on the second tab and then press the tab key and the program freezes.
(Happens in vanilla BlitzMax as well)
Well, if it happens with the original, it must be a feature, not a bug :)
Shouldn't a run in GDB show the endless running loop?
Hi, I came across a weird bug that makes the program freeze on Windows.
Click on the second tab and then press the tab key and the program freezes.