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Tabletop frontend experiments #11

Closed slosar closed 6 years ago

slosar commented 7 years ago

Nov 14, 2016: Same signal fed into two ports (AS)

A 1 GHz signal split via 180 hybrid with 50Ohm terminator at one port, fed into two inputs running at 1.25GS. Extracting full resolution (1/0.107 Hz) spectra at 1GHz+-5kHz. Ampltiudes normalised at beginning of the run. Delta if the offset freq.

Start at 1855: 161115_1855 tone 2000: 161115_2000 tone 2100: 161115_2100 tone 2200: 161115_2200 tone

Briefly stop to restart in screen. Note a new transient 2206: 161115_2206 tone 0000: 161116_0000 tone 0100: 161116_0100 tone 0200: 161116_0200 tone 0300: 161116_0300 tone 0400: 161116_0400 tone 0500: 161116_0500 tone 0600: 161116_0600 tone 0700: 161116_0700 tone 0800: 161116_0800 tone 0900: 161116_0900 tone Pause, restart at 11.10, note transient again. 161116_1110 tone

slosar commented 7 years ago

Nov 14, 2016: One part of the signal goes through "front-end"

After 180 deg hybrid, one goes straight into CH2, the other goes through 9dB attenuation and is then coupled at -30dB to a 50Ohm terminator line that is then amplified by ~+15x2 and fed into CH1. Picture of the setup: setups

slosar commented 7 years ago

Nov 28, 2016: Better analysis of this data

The first set (tone into both inputs) is analyzed here:

The data notebook should be self-explanatory, but here are some findings:

The second setup is analyzed here:

The data notebook should be self-explanatory, but here are some findings:

slosar commented 7 years ago

Dec 5, 2016: tone and broadband, one hour (AS)

Took one hour of data the contains both broadband and tone

The mean broadband (with 1GHz bin, cancelled out, otherwise it is a spike with 100x power):


We clearly see some structue in power, perhaps due to reflection and missing attenuator between amplifiers.

I took log of this power and calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues in this space. The first eigenvalue is ten times bigger than the second one. However, the covariance matrix is still diagonal, while the first eigenvalue is 30 times bigger than if all variance was distributed nominally. Below are first three eigenvalues:


We see that the first three have some structure, the rest seems noise. The peak at 1GHz in the first one is simply due to 1GHz bin being blinded.

Next I decomposed each 100ms record in this space and plotted the time line:


We see that the second and third eigenvalues correspond to some (regular?) RFI events. The first one really looks more like 1/f ish behaviour. Note that they are vertically offset for easier viewing.

Finally, I plot what tone and what first components are doing as a function of time, smoother by 40s moving average. This looks a bit like I expected, but I did expect somewhat closer matching on shorter timescales.


The next step is to do the same for the full dataset.