bn-digital / strapi

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The UUID format is invalid #8

Open anjeypakulnevich opened 1 year ago

anjeypakulnevich commented 1 year ago

Hi there! First of all wanted to thank you for your contribution to Strapi community.

Just noticed one annoying issue: After adding components (with UUID field) in Dynamic zone(DZ) all the previous components except new added have an uuid field error: "The UUID format is invalid" and I can't save the model. I have to regenerate all the rest components uuid in DZ. Same goes for any actions in DZ (like moving components up & down). CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 17 30 13@2x

Update: happens after any change in the whole page (collection type)

Or may be I'm doing smth wrong? Thanks in advance.

cptvictor95 commented 1 year ago

I'm facing the same problem here on my codebase, what was also happening before this invalid format error is that my custom routes to get a collection by its UUID weren't working with the where: { uid } param.

rbsam176 commented 1 year ago

Also facing this issue, my setup is:

Single type Repeatable component Text field + custom UUID field

Adding the first entry is fine, adding a second entry shows the above error ("The UUID format is invalid").

2stopme commented 1 year ago

I am also facing this issue, someone have the solution here ?

shapeshifta78 commented 1 year ago

same here...