bnavetta / aurelia-polymer

Aurelia plugin to support Polymer
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Polymer paper-radio-button binding does not work. #16

Open AndrzejT opened 8 years ago

AndrzejT commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to 'port' radio button usage from to aurelia/polymer.

Here are the relevant code snippets:


selectedAnnotationOption = 'Ready';

AnnotationOptions = [ 'Ready', 'Add Annotation', 'Edit Annotation Text', 'Delete Annotation'];

    console.warn("AnnotationEditorOnOff called");


<form is="iron-form" role="form">
    <paper-radio-group selected="Ready">
          <label repeat.for="option of AnnotationOptions"> <BR>
                  change.delegate="AnnotationEditorOnOff()" >${option}

ALL 4 options are selected after the page is loaded. My AnnotationEditorOnOff delegate is called after clicking at any option, but the selectedAnnotationOption never changes its 'Ready' value.

Needless to say: after replacing the above paper-radio-button code by:

                            <input type="radio"

and removing paper-radio-group, the binding works again.

bnavetta commented 8 years ago

Your condition for checked.bind should be $parent.selectedAnnotationOption === option to compare the selected option to the option for each radio button. $parent.selectedAnnotationOption will be a string that evaluates to true, so every button would be checked. There's also the problem from #12, where Aurelia inserts a <template> element that Polymer's selection behavior is configured to ignore. As a workaround, wrapping the buttons in a <div> seems to work:

<paper-radio-group selected="Ready">
      <div repeat.for="option of AnnotationOptions">
          checked.bind="$parent.selectedAnnotationOption === option"
AndrzejT commented 8 years ago

I tested it (with and without <form is="iron-form" role="form"> around the whole block). The "Ready" option is selected now at the beginning, the others are not (as it should be). BUT now the radio grouping seems to be broken - selecting an option does NOT de-select the other options. So they work like checkboxes now.

bnavetta commented 8 years ago

I think this and a lot of the other selection issues like #12 and #17 come down to PolymerElements/iron-selector#42, where it's not looking into nested elements, either the <div> or the <template> Aurelia generates. For now, I'm not sure what a workaround would be (maybe patching Polymer?)

bnavetta commented 7 years ago

Could you try the au-select attribute and see if that helps?