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Supercharged intents based Trading: AI + DeFi #64

Open huihzhao opened 2 months ago

huihzhao commented 2 months ago

Main Objectives

DeFi offers a wealth of trading opportunities, but monitoring positions and managing risks can be overwhelming, especially during market volatility. This project invites participants to develop innovative solutions that leverage autonomous AI agents to enhance DeFi trading and risk management.

Challenge Description:

The goal of this track is to create AI agents that can autonomously monitor positions, manage risks, and execute trades based on user-defined rules. These agents should also aim to reduce the risk of liquidity contract hacks and rug pulls by facilitating peer-to-peer trades, eliminating the need for traditional liquidity pools.

Potential Use Cases:

bertrandbuild commented 1 month ago

Hi @huihzhao 👋

I started to work on this track with my friend.

We created some high level prompts to request an onchain llm to make a decision: BUY/SELL/HOLD, depending on a graph.

We would like to automate this backtesting process + have some autonomous trading.

Here is a quick draft of the potential interface:


Some of the expected features:

A key feature would be to integrate greenfield to have a marketplace of custom strategies created by traders.

Some very nice to have:

We'd love to have your feedback on this 🙏

mildfeng commented 1 month ago

Hi, team

We have just launched a Web3 AI data annotation platform on the BNB testnet. This platform leverages decentralization to attract Web3 users to participate in contributing and solving AI data annotation issues, ultimately providing high-quality data sources for AI models.

But it is not a AI + defi project, I couldn't find a way to add on Imagination case, May I know that can our project join the BNB Chain Q3 Hackathon?

Main Features: (1) DataTalk: a. Primarily focuses on annotating data for large text models. In the first phase, we are working on text summarization annotation. By recording annotation tasks on the blockchain, we increase transparency, reduce intermediary layers, and boost annotators' earnings. b. Intelligent task distribution to manage the allocation and acceptance of tasks, addressing the inefficiencies of traditional task distribution. c. Implements a "Lab to Earn" scoring model, which scores users based on different annotation roles, effectively motivating users.

(2) DataEngine: A pre-annotation AI model that uses the annotated data from the DeData platform as training data, aiming to create an AI model specialized in annotation.

Website: Docs:

stantonwong commented 1 month ago

@huihzhao Does this apply to DeFi platforms on BNB that are partnering with different AI trading algorithms to create a marketplace?

huihzhao commented 1 month ago

@huihzhao Does this apply to DeFi platforms on BNB that are partnering with different AI trading algorithms to create a marketplace?

yes, could you share more details of your project? Thank you

stantonwong commented 1 month ago


The project is Horizon Protocol (, a DeFi protocol with a perpetual futures exchange and a spot exchange with synthetic assets. As our protocol is based on synthetic assets, it also allows us to introduce RWAs onto our platform in the form of derivatives with the help of oracles.

We recently just launched our perpetual futures exchange on mainnet (

Late last year, we started working with Phoenix to incorporate the trading AI that they are building into our platform (

With the futures exchange now launched, we have now begun putting our efforts into the AI integration and hope to have a testnet relatively soon.

huihzhao commented 3 weeks ago

Swarm is a Telegram-native platform where users form 'swarms' to interact and make daily predictions, creating a dynamic entry into the crypto world. The collective data from these interactions feeds into AI predictive algorithms on the Swarm Collective Intelligence Network, turning human data into a valuable asset in cryptocurrency through accurate predictions.

How does it works?


Swarm's Deliberative Prediction Market is powered by the Swarm Collective Intelligence Network (CIN), representing a groundbreaking integration of community, deliberation, AI, blockchain, and prediction markets. This innovative approach maximizes the value of information through enhanced community engagement, gamification, and deliberative processes. By leveraging AI, Swarm creates a more intelligent and interactive prediction market, where the collective insights and predictions of participants are refined and optimized for greater accuracy and impact.