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Deposit Proposal - Signature verification failed #15

Closed cgebe closed 5 years ago

cgebe commented 5 years ago

When trying to deposit for a listing proposal i get the following error msg:

{"code":65540,"message":"{\"codespace\":1,\"code\":4,\"abci_code\":65540,\"message\":\"signature verification failed\"}"}

Other commands work as usual.

cgebe commented 5 years ago

I guess the error is related to the asset not fully listed. When i try to create an order with the asset i get the same error.

CreateOrderMsg{Sender: tbnb15c0c9uqql5sey6rf2ul7ws9qhv9vc6g5dtefar, Id: A61F82F000FD21926869573FE740A0BB0ACC6914-2, Symbol: TESLA-A4F_BNB, OrderSide: 2, Price: 200900000000, Qty: 100000}

The signed message includes the baseAssetSymbol, this is causing a verification failure on the node side failure since the asset is not listed yet:

    newOrderMsg := msg.NewCreateOrderMsg(
        common.CombineSymbol(baseAssetSymbol, quoteAssetSymbol),

Same goes for the deposit?

unclezoro commented 5 years ago

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