bnb-chain / node-binary

Binaries for full nodes, light-weighted clients
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Errror connecting testnet #298

Open eugenpro opened 2 years ago

eugenpro commented 2 years ago

When i'm trying to connect to testnet i've got error in logs 'Peer is on a different network. Got Binance-Chain-Ganges, expected Binance-Chain-Nile' and as a result failure to sync with blockchain. command that i'm trying to deploy node is docker run -d --name binance-node -v binance-data:/opt/bnbchaind -e "BNET=testnet" -p 27146:27146 -p 27147:27147 -p 26660:26660 --restart unless-stopped --security-opt no-new-privileges --ulimit nofile=16000:16000 binance/binance-node

When I'm trying to connect mainnet BNET=prod, I've got another error failed to start snapshot recovery module=statesync err="sub store count in manifest 16 does not match local 11" But I'm running node from scratch on clean server and with clean data directory Version is latest

dada-official commented 2 years ago
