Recover node buffer list for pathdb to avoid dropping many blocks in node buffer list. If using nodebufferlist and op-geth is force kill, it will recover nodebufferlist by default.
The sequencer module of opBNB is used to generate blocks. At present, opBNB blocks out of a single node. If the force kill or OOM is performed on the sequencer module, a large number of blocks will be left, and the data stored in the nodecache will be lost. Therefore, this pr can be used to recover data on nodebufferlist.
Recover node buffer list for pathdb to avoid dropping many blocks in node buffer list. If using nodebufferlist and op-geth is force kill, it will recover nodebufferlist by default.
The sequencer module of opBNB is used to generate blocks. At present, opBNB blocks out of a single node. If the force kill or OOM is performed on the sequencer module, a large number of blocks will be left, and the data stored in the nodecache will be lost. Therefore, this pr can be used to recover data on nodebufferlist.
Notable changes: