bnbeckwith / writegood-mode

Minor mode for Emacs to improve English writing
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Writegood-mode capitalizes latex-pretty-symbols greek characters. #22

Closed sunbubble closed 4 years ago

sunbubble commented 6 years ago

latex-pretty-symbols does the following: If I type

$\xi$ is a greek letter

it will change it to

$ξ$ is a greek letter

If I then activate writegood-mode the string then becomes

$Ξ$ is a greek letter

and doesn't change back on deactivation. The dollar signs just mark the inline math mode, the problem persists even if I try this without them.

Thanks in advance for any help.

bnbeckwith commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid that I couldn't recreate this issue and I'm closing it. Please let me know if you have more detail on the issue and potential fix.